Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

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Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by hebdenhippy »

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I think the Anyu is a great revamp and I hope fans of the old one are happy with it. I think Rah did a great job updating the art and making it look more like an Anyu while still keeping that majestic bear look. Glad the swirly fire was kept, too, I always liked that :D

I never liked the old Reborn Wyllop and this is definetely an improvement. Same pose, better art, can't complain!

Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Pyrostatic »

I was afraid for the Reborn Anyu revamp, but it really keeps true to the old one. It is pretty spiffeh. I love the shading/markings and swirly flames, and the expression is still like the old, if not, better. I kind of wish the left front leg was kept on the ground rather than up in the air a tad. But other than that, it's a really solid revamp.

The Wyllop does nothing for me. In fact, it kind of disappoints me. I feel like it lost it's anger and charm the old one had. And the minimal shading bothers me. I dunno, I just haven't liked any of the Wyllop revamps. I guess if it makes Wyllop fans happy, then so be it. =/
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Mayhem »

Does anyone have the old reborn Wyllop cached? I need to put it as an overlay. I can't STAND this one. :(
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Seerow »


Could I make a request that if people are posting about revamps, they post the old images as well? If you don't have them saved somewhere, there are sites that have the images archived, such as Wikibeta. It makes it so much easier to see if the new one is a improvement or not!

Anyway, onto the actual pets. The Anyu saddens me greatly. The original was the reason I joined Subeta back when we first heard about it here. It was so majestic and pretty to look at and I knew I had to own one (and I did briefly). I know the art is dated and it was definitely due for an update, but I don't have to like it. The new one is great art and if there had never been an old one to compare it to I'd probably love it. I love the fire on the muzzle, the colors are really lovely together. But yeah, still missing the old one.

The Wyllop is a good revamp. Updating the art while still staying pretty much true to the original. I'm not quite sure what you mean by little shading, I think it has plenty. *Shrug* I love how the fire was done, it's very lovely.
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Kamil »

I lovelovelove the new Anyu; such a big, prettyful bear. <3 Its fire is so pretty and swirly, and I want to scritch its fat muzzle, even though I know it'd burn me to bits for doing so.

I loved the old Wyllop, and how its gold markings were almost tribal in their intricacy - the new ones, not so much. They lack the definitive edge the old ones had, and so just look like blotches. And the eyes have changed for the worse as well. Just like the new reborn Kumos, the eyes went from lit-from-within to just eyes. Do not like. And the poor thing must have had negative self-image, as it went on quite the diet. xD

So, like one and not the other - about par for the course with revamps.
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by TCStarwind »

I love the new anyu. I think it's amazing, especially since I never liked the old one. There's nothing about it that I don't like.

I'm on the fence about the wyllop. I want to like it, but there's just something in the way. I think if the eye were more like the old one, and the color was more muted like the original orange, I'l like it a lot more. As it is, though, it's not bad, and I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually.
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Zekumi »

I love the new Anyu. Especially the face. It's gorgeous. No complaints.

The Wyllop, however, I'm not digging. I really liked the old one a lot more. The bangs/hair ruff the new one has going doesn't look as much like actual hair to me as the last one did. I really don't like that it's falling in three points without dispersing.

The expression on the old one was much better for me as well, and the pose is heavier and feels more fluid that this new one.

Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Pyrostatic »

Seerow, to me, it looks like the shading isn't very obvious. Maybe it's just my bad eyes. The shading is there, but it's not enough to where it doesn't look flat. Especially in the face on this Wyllop. And unfortunately, now the expression lacks the attitude it once had. It's funny what a difference shading can do.
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Sarivonne »

I think what bothers me about the wyllop is the face went from a more defined muzzle to a now ovalish face. I know it looks more 'mousey' now, but I also noticed the expressions on the revamped wyllops don't always have the same intensity as the original. I agree on the shading, it's becoming much lighter and I've always been a fan of really strong shading. There was awhile when the style was still nice and updated, but the shading was more vibrant. Some artists can still pull it off though, but as of late it shading blends together sometimes and it just doesn't pop to me.
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Jessi »

The Wyllop's face went from more of a 'defined muzzle' to... matching the rest of the Wyllops. I think they have all had the intensity of the original, and I think the new shading is gorgeous.

In fact, I own a Reborn Wyllop, and I couldn't figure out why, because I've never really liked it, including its huge paws and tumor-cheek - one of my absolute least favorite traits of the old wyllops. Of course, I've had an overlay for Medi pretty much the whole time I've had him, so it hasn't bothered me. I absolutely love the new one though. I find the shading to be plenty vibrant and -very- rich, I love the colors used, and I adore its face. such a pretty wyllop!

The Anyu is well-done but I wish both of its front paws had been grounded. I know it's not in the original either, but its paw here just looks like it's disappearing. I imagine it's actually uncomfortable for such a large creature to bend its paw that way. I miss it looking forward, rather than at us, too, but I know that's something that would change.
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Mayhem »

Thanks a lot Seerow, I really appreciate it. *saves*

The new Wyllop makes me so sad. :( I don't like the trend that the new Wyllops are getting ... the "defined muzzle" looks far too cartoony. The feet in the new Wyllop arts are outstanding, I always notice them, but the faces are making me increasingly sad. The color and the shading is nice, I can handle it getting brighter, but the pet itself is getting softer. The facial expression isn't as fierce (the art of the brow looks a little lazy and far less detailed), the ears being so large is making it feel goofy to me... and the spines on the back not being as sharp is irritating me more than it really should, but I can't help it.

I don't have much of an opinion on the Anyu, it's not one of my favorite pets to begin with.
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

I'm sorry, guys, the Reborn Wyllop revamp was something that had to happen. Wyllops don't have faces that shape anymore. The brownish-orange color on it is not a color we use for Reborn pets anymore. It had to lose weight because the old one was freaking enormous and totally disproportionate. The face, ears, arms, body shape, tuft of hair, etc all had to match the regular Wyllop, which the old one really didn't. The old one was also terribly cross-eyed, and as Jessi said, had awful tumor-cheek syndrome.

I'm not really sure what you mean by dull shading, either? The shading looks totally fine to me, with two distinct different colors of dark shading?
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Zekumi »

Maybe I'm just crazy, but I don't see where you guys are coming from about the "tumor" cheek. It looks normal and well-rounded to me.

And the old Wyllop's body doesn't look disproportionate to me at all either. The paws, for example, I love. The new's one got paws smaller that it's eyes, or about the same size as it's nose.

Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Pyrostatic »

Maybe it's just me, but I can honestly point which pets suffer dull shading. This one is kind of on the fence. I can see it, but some areas seem to lack, mostly the face as I've pointed out earlier. Compared to the old one, because of the dull shading, the face loses a lot of expression and looks flat compared to the body. I can see where the anatomy was bad in the old one (definitely see it in the legs), and I like the newer ones legs, but I just don't like the new face.

I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just putting out what I see, and I see dull shading on this Wyllop. It's been happening a bit lately with some pets, pretty much ever since Glade pets came out. I don't know what's up with this sudden style change, but I just simply don't care for it, and thus, I rate the pets low. That's just me. Don't like it? Well, I know my words have no influence to the artists or department, so all I can say is nothing but sorry.

Anatomy-wise, it's better. Character-wise, it's just not the same.
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Jessi »

Zekumi, ALL of the new wyllops have paws that are that small, though. In fact, nearly all of the OLD wyllops did, too, with the exception of this one. If you look at other old wyllops, they have small paws too. This one has always had large paws, always.

Pyrostatic, the only thing I can think of that's making you think this wyllop has dull shading is that the light source is different, so not as much of the face is shaded. That's really the only thing I can put my finger on. But the lightsource on the new one is more correct, considering there's fire coming up from the bottom.

I dunno. The shading comments just baffle my mind. The shading on the new one isn't as 'crisp', maybe, but I prefer the softer shading, and I DEFINITELY think its just as, if not more so, dynamic and noticeable.

Also, I don't think it was really necessary to add 'I'm not looking for a fight." You can point out what you see - so can the rest of us, and FMD can point out what she drew.

Just editing to show that the paw size on all wyllops has ALWAYS been small, this one was definitely the exception:
Image - Image - old art done by the original artist, not revamped, small paws
Image - Image - new ones, by FMD/Hagane, with small paws.

Always about the size of the eyes or nose, if not smaller.
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