Coliseum Updates

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
Feral Koala
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Coliseum Updates

Post by Huggles »

Forum thread here
Armory, the new weapon "wardrobe", here
Battle Coliseum here

The formerly Gold Account member only beta testing has been opened to the public. Firstly, BEWARE! Many weapons have had their functionality, damage, and elemental icons changed. Lots of people are finding that their once per battle potions and bombs have now become one use. This is akin to the Neopets Honey Potion disappearing forever after using it once in a battle, instead of coming back once the battle is over. The wording used to describe what some weapons do has even me confused. However, they seem to be refunding some people who file a help ticket, or whatever it's called.

There's also a new weapon customization system. The gems you now receive after defeating a 1-player opponent can be used to modify some weapons' abilities and stats. With a gem in your inventory, you can click on it to select the Modify Weapon option. This will take you to a page that shows you all weapons eligible for modification in your armory. Of all the weapons I put into mine, only my newly acquired Lucent is able to be modified. Apparently it's intended for legendary or very high end weapons only with the intent of curbing the lending/borrowing of said uber weapons. When you remove a modified weapon from your armory to trade or sell, all modifications will be lost. That means no switching from your treasure chest to your armory without using more gems and no mods at all for seemingly every other weapon.

My Lucent has two "slots" or "sockets" for gems. Currently, the ones I'm getting from low to mid range opponents add one icon of elemental damage or defense. Plus, there's also healing, freezing, and stealing gems that add 5 points of heal/defense/stealing rate to your weapon. I'm kinda at a loss as to why the mods are restricted to higher end weapons only, and which weapons qualify because my Mysterious Maple Katana and Blackheart Blade don't.

Since battling itself isn't actually changing much from the Neopets system of tedium, it's a bit disheartening not to be able to get in some more customization for my pets. It's also a bit odd when the most popular features of the site—avatars, profiles, and pet art and overlays— are all about customization and individuality. They could place weapons into clearly defined brackets with 1-5(n) sockets available depending rarity/power. The better the weapon, the more slots you get. Perhaps even make a cash shop item give you an extra socket or cash shop only gems. When there's so little variety once you get nearer to the top, it'd be nice to have some room to be a bit different. Bob knows how much I hated getting a new weapon in WoW only to find that it looked exactly like my old one with 20 more attack power. It'd be awesome if I could spend 30 mil in gems on my Fire Blades to make them almost as strong as an Eternal. I kinda think they missed the potential of modification due to the restrictions used in other games that just don't work the same way Subeta does.

Oh well. I'll probably stick to training my battle pets and not battling much, again.

I have no idea what's going on with Alchemy points, scrolls, or spells. And shrines are either not going to be weapons any more, or turned into regular weapons with less weird abilities.
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by AngharadTy »

Thanks for making a post. It's all still too new for me to be able to string together more than a few sentences about it.

New coliseum has no reflection. No reflecting damage back. This renders some of my wishlist and some of my items close to worthless. I mean, if I wanted icon blockers, I already had those. Reflection was the point of many stupidly expensive things. What about those cash shop shields? The mirroring shield and the chancellors war shield? What do they do now? Is it remotely worth that much real money now?

Apparently you can also curse your opponent somehow now, too? What items curse? Malice does... what else?

I really agree that weapon modification should be... more. Only super-expensive items get even two slots? Sheesh. I have DP weapons. Items that people paid real money for don't rate even one slot? Come on, now. The modification crystals are going to be basically worthless because there's so little use for them. I mean, I only need two! Two crystals in the entirety of Subeta! That's not impressive at all. (Although they are pretty, so I have a couple in treasures.)
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by Huggles »

They are indeed very pretty. In fact, adding them to my pets' treasures is what lead me back into training and battling.

I had forgotten reflection. Forgotten, because I really haven't bothered to battle much at all since the early days of Subeta. So, I wasn't even sure how far they had gone with that type of defense. That is quite an interesting decision to make. The biggest change that has affected me so far is that my glorious Potion of the Robot now does light damage instead of physical. So now my evil blood red Endeavor's heart is filled with light instead of shear vicious brute strength. Light. My Fury Warrior is now a Holy Paladin. QQ
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by Seerow »

I am beyond annoyed that reflection is gone, as that indeed was the point of many higher end weapons. I have both of the shields, one of which I bought with money, that I never would have if it didn't have reflecting. I hope they aren't finished tweaking the stats quite yet, though I fear that they are.

I HATE the new drag and drop for weapons, and I wish I could set a default set so I wouldn't have to drag them all back up after a battle. Makes battling even more tedious and annoying really. But yeah, loathing drag and drop so so very much.
I also wish they'd fix the hit point bar in the actual battles. The blue one that shows how full your health is isn't rounded like all the other boxes on the site and the corners stick over and look tacky. It's been that way since beta, not sure why they haven't fixed it yet.

I miss being able to show off my weapons on my pet profile too. What good does all my expensive shines do me hiding out in my armory.

I do like that you can click on the weapon image in battle now to use it instead of the little buttons.

Ohh, and I miss my shines. I liked Nukum popping up every once in a while.

And I'm with you all on the absurdness of the jewels right now. They had so much potential, but if the system remains the way it is all but the most powerful gems will be worthless. I'm not going to spend 50+ mill on a weapon then use one of the two slots on a jewel that adds 1 fire point to my damage.

I just looked to see what weapons of mine could have crystals added and it seems it's been tweaked since beta, or I just have a horrid memory. Either is just as likely as the other!
Four of my weapons can be modified, and those four are all legendaries. The combined ones have four slots, the eternal has two and the icekiss has three. I'm not sure why the icekiss has one more then the eternal, as they are both the same "tier" weapon.

I hope they do go through and add slots to more items though. Not even my cs shields have slots, or my Reborn Icewand of Doom, which Keith said would.
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by Huggles »

You should be able to set a default group of 8 weapons though. I'm not sure what you mean.

And whatever happened to the idea of armor? I remember it being brought up, way back when. You'd be able to equip pieces of armor like you can in a zillion other games and like you can equip clothing on Subeta. I was told a lot of items elements were changed for the sake of balance; there were too many of this or that. I thought ok, makes sense. But, so does releasing new weapons to fill in that gap.
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by Seerow »

How do you do that Huggles? Is it an option in the Armory somewhere? I can click and drag items around on the armory page, but that doesn't have any effect on anything.
Edit: Reading the text on the page says I should indeed be able to have a set of eight, but I can't figure out how 0_o The only option that shows up for me is to remove the item.
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by AngharadTy »

My pet's health bar is rounded. I only checked in Chrome, but I'm betting that browser differences are what's kept them from fixing it for you. However, the HP bars still look taaaaaacky. Tacky tacky. I hate them and hope they change.

Seerow, I think the armory is broken right now. I accidentally clicked to remove an item (no confirmation! took it out of my armory entirely! hope there's a confirmation for the crystal-enhanced weapons!) and I can't seem to add it back to my default set. However, things like "freezer" and "healer" are links. That add to default weapon set. I accidentally had two stealers equipped at the same time. Sooooo... check back later. Heh.
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by Seerow »

Weird, I'm using FF and every other thing on the site is rounded, strange that this isn't XD
So if someone has no stealer/freezers in their set they can't make a list? Hopefully that'll get fixed at some point. And yes to a confirmation button as well!

Haha so either Ishka is insanely strong in the new system or something is really out of whack. She just beat Mama Mush with a Reborn Icewand of Doom, Blackmoon Hand Blaster, and a Terra Fucujin scroll. In the old system she would have been dead after just a round or two with those weapons. I probably didn't even need to heal to beat her this time.
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by AngharadTy »

The opponents feel really exponential to me. Mama Mush is not too bad, but every opponent after that is awful. Maybe I'm not defending right...? Ehh.
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by Huggles »

Your Weapons
Default Weapon Set

Drag and drop to reorder.
SAVE ORDER button here.

There should be a space under that where you can click on weapons picture to drag and drop them into the order you prefer. Order seems to have no effect in battles. To add a weapon your your default set, there should be a link directly under the weapon name that says Add to Default or something like that.

It appears to be broken because I can't see it now either.

I'm using FF and the health bar is a rectangle.
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by AngharadTy »

It takes different code to add curved edges to things in different browsers. So the firefox-curve-code is missing, but the other-browser-curve-code is there.

I always find it odd when there's a problem on Subeta in Firefox and not in other browsers, because according to them, isn't Firefox THE GOD OF ALL BROWSERS?

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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by Huggles »

The god must be crazy!
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by Silverevilchao »

The gems you now receive after defeating a 1-player opponent can be used to modify some weapons' abilities and stats. With a gem in your inventory, you can click on it to select the Modify Weapon option.

I hope that they really, really expand it later on, though, as well as add more slots. I would love to be able to use any weapon I want simply because it suits my pets (via modification), as opposed to getting the same ones everyone else has.
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by Kamil »

The thing that pisses me off is that I paid cash, actual cash (which is not in abundant supply these days), for both cash shop reflecting shields. That was a shit-load of cash I'd have been just as happy to use on costume trunks or more pets, or, hell, anything else, had I known that the item would completely change from its advertised specs in less than a year.

Aside from that, I can't be arsed to try out the new system more than I already have, since, as Ty pointed out, there's such a lack of challengers most people can beat. I have a top 115 pet, and a few decent weapons, and I can't beat anyone after Mama either.

So far I'm completely unimpressed.
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Re: Coliseum Updates

Post by Foghawk »

The gems are very, very pretty - but the fact that they are available only for absolute top-tier weapons is extremely frustrating. I get the rationale behind reducing lending (though frankly I don't see why there would be a need for that in the first place). But the legendary weapons are legendary. I don't see why you should only be allowed to improve your weapon if it's already one of the best in the game. Letting cheaper weapons be modded wouldn't prevent the mods on legendaries from being tied to the user, and would make the lower-tier gems actually serve a purpose.

Overall, though, I was utterly disappointed. It seems like instead of the complete overhaul they once promised us - you know, more strategy, less selecting the same two weapons over and over, a less arbitrary elemental system, scaling stats, the revamped equipment system Huggles mentioned - we get the same old thing with some slight polishing of the page and a lot of weapon changes. Does anyone remember the topic in which they discussed this? I'm not inclined to sift through the forums for it even if it hasn't been pruned.
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