Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

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Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Silverevilchao »


The poses for both are cute, as are the quills on the Priggle. Kind of wish the Manchu's irises were the only things that were colored instead of the entire eye, but IIRC, the normal species is like that, so...
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Spectrum manchu & priggle

Post by Jessica_G »

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ok, the first thing I've got to say is that I really love how the spectrum colours are on the priggle, where it's kind of jumping(I know it's running though:P)
but I think where the stings are, it's too crowded, too much of that spectrum thing I do like the pose and the splatters on it's face, but it's all a bit too crowded...

for the manchu, I think the eyes look kind of oddXD like it's going out of it's mind or something?:P
the back paws look odd too,.. like it's from another pose or something,.. it looks odd:P
I do like how the spectrum is, though, not too crowded, and the tail looks nice!^^
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Alecko »

I think I've found what I'll be turning Rentaro into. :) I love the face of the Priggle and the splashes of colour on the bottom of its neck ruff. I like the quills and the tail spiky-bit, although the actual tail looks remarkably thick and bloody long, considering how small the end bit is compared to the rest of the pet. But it's not enough to ruin it for me, heh, I love it.

I'm not a fan of the Manchu. Don't care much for the pet as a whole, and the pose of this throws me. It's very upright and the membrane between the legs looks really stretched and very awkward. I do like the colouration of the markings.
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Joey »

Woah! The Priggle is fantastic! It's easily my favorite spectrum pet. I love how it has so much colour going on, and the pose is so energetic, it's like sliding down it's own rainbow. Everything about it is awesome, and I might just have to turn Theremin into one.

The Manchu is kind of meh. I've never been a big fan of them. I like the markings being coloured, and the rings on the tail are cool, but it doesn't excite me nearly as much as the Priggle.

Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Pyrostatic »

Huh, well I'll be...not bad! This is another Priggle I like. It's full of character, I like the quills, and the pose is just so fun to look at! And I like the colours chosen for the face; pink and orange are vibrant colours that seem to complement each other. In my world at least. xD

The Manchu, it's not bad either. I have to agree with Silver though, I don't really like the eyes being fully coloured. P=
The membranes look weird being upright. I figured it'd flow with the way the body is by curving, but I dunno. If that's what Manchu anatomy calls for, then okay. I think it's still pretty cute. =)
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Tiki »

Duuuuude that Priggle just channeled Tropic's personality right from my brain. :D His little rainbow splash even matches his surfer-dude theme. So I immediately potioned Tropic into one.

Now, I'm patiently waiting for the big version to appear on DA. <3 Overlay time!

Manchu- sorry, this one is a big miss for me. :C I'm sure plenty of people will find reason to like it, but the pose, super-stretched membranes, and eyes bug me. The ankles in particular look like they're painfully bent backwards. I agree that it looks like he's seriously about to lose his mind/cut someone. But that could be a perfect expression for a crazy pet. XD
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Aqua »

Going to be the odd one out and say I like the manchu better than the priggle. :x The face on the priggle seems off somehow, and its (our left) ear is in an odd direction, considering its head isn't turned all that much. I do like the rainbow quills though.

On the other hand, I think the manchu has a fun pose - it almost looks like it's doing a handstand (now I wanna see a spectrum pet doing a cartwheel XD). I really like the rainbow striped tail on dark grey too. I kinda like the eyes being all different colours.. I prefer that to its eye-whites being yellow.
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Kamil »

I'm going to save time and say, yeah, what Aqua said. xD And so I appear to have some mind of my own, I'll add that I don't really care for the shading on the priggle; it seems way too grey for my taste. I'd much prefer if all the pretty colors looked clean and bright, instead of a bit faded, like colors that've been washed together too many times.

As far as the Manchu goes, I adore its bracelets; the colors are so clear and pretty, and the design is very graceful - which seems to fit the pet well.

Edited to add that I'd meant to say something nice about the rainbow puddles the Priggle is stomping through, but forgot until Seerow pointed them out. Very cute, and creative as well. I'd really like this pet (despite not liking its species at all) if the colors on the quills were as clean and gorgeous as the colors of the rainbow puddle.
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Seerow »

I love both of these! The Manchu is my favorite of the species, even beating out Glade. I like the pose, kinda like he's playing leap frog.
The Priggle is adorable as well, the little puddles of rainbows are a great touch. I love the expression and the coloring on the quills. Ugh, need more pet slots!
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Ierosbats »


It bothers me how similar the priggle's face is to the spectrum terracoon's, but I think that's the least of this pet's problems.

Its legs and tail are too dark. Like... bizarrely dark. They don't even look finished. I know they are highlighted a little, but I definitely had to lean closer to my screen to see that. They look really flat and almost as if they don't actually belong to the priggle. It kind of looks like a panther hiding under a priggle costume. I think making the skin, footpads and nails all the exact same shade of grey was a strange choice; it looks nice on the inconsistently fat tail, but with the legs I think it's too much.

The thing about spectrum pets is the line between pretty and gaudy is often fairly thin. I think the priggle falls on the gaudy side. Between the rainbow trail, the splashes, the facemask, the quills, the chest tuft, the head tuft and the tail, there's a lot of rainbow going on. Being compared side-by-side to the lovely, understated Manchu doesn't really help things. I think the priggle's quills are done very nicely, but they should have been the main focus. As it stands, they're competing with everything else and it really lessens their effect. An all-white (or white and light grey) face would have really helped. Not only would it have provided some visual relief from the craziness around it, it would have been a nice balance for the too-dark grey.

I agree with the quill colours looking washed out, Kamil, but I don't think the quills themselves are actually to blame. I think it's just a visual trick caused by being so close to the overly saturated facemask. That pink/orange combo is blinding and having so much of it right in the middle of the pet kind of dulls everything else. Again, I think this pet really would have benefited from a nice, light face where you could rest your eyes for a bit. It's all a bit too much.
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Rah »

Aqua wrote:On the other hand, I think the manchu has a fun pose - it almost looks like it's doing a handstand (now I wanna see a spectrum pet doing a cartwheel XD).
Hehee, it is doing a hand stand! And a cartwheeling manchu was actually another pose I tried for spectrum but I couldn't make it fit in the box and not look teeny tiny xD

As for the membranes...well, I'd just like to remove them altogether. Maybe one day :)
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

Ierosbats wrote:ImageImage

It bothers me how similar the priggle's face is to the spectrum terracoon's, but I think that's the least of this pet's problems.
Well, they both have masks and have a happy mouth, but I'm not sure where the similarities are beyond that? The Terracoon's mask is going in a rainbow, from yellow to pink, and the Priggle's are just orange one side, pink the other?
Its legs and tail are too dark. Like... bizarrely dark. They don't even look finished. I know they are highlighted a little, but I definitely had to lean closer to my screen to see that. They look really flat and almost as if they don't actually belong to the priggle. It kind of looks like a panther hiding under a priggle costume. I think making the skin, footpads and nails all the exact same shade of grey was a strange choice; it looks nice on the inconsistently fat tail, but with the legs I think it's too much.
The Priggle's feet never have footpads so I'm not really sure what you'd have had me do with those? The claws are also always the same color as the feet.
The thing about spectrum pets is the line between pretty and gaudy is often fairly thin. I think the priggle falls on the gaudy side. Between the rainbow trail, the splashes, the facemask, the quills, the chest tuft, the head tuft and the tail, there's a lot of rainbow going on. Being compared side-by-side to the lovely, understated Manchu doesn't really help things. I think the priggle's quills are done very nicely, but they should have been the main focus. As it stands, they're competing with everything else and it really lessens their effect. An all-white (or white and light grey) face would have really helped. Not only would it have provided some visual relief from the craziness around it, it would have been a nice balance for the too-dark grey.
If I had gone with just a grey mask, I'm afraid people would have complained it wasn't rainbowy enough. I can't please everyone at once, sadly. :c
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Jessi »

I really love the Manchu's bright markings, especially the markings on its thigh-area xD So colorful and bright, they really give it a tribal look! Though I agree, its eyes are really strange to me. I actually never noticed all Machu's eyes are like that, and sure enough they are - but here they look really colorfilled? Other than that, it's gorgeous, especially for a manchu :D Yay Rah!

Full-size priggle!
I love the Priggle and really wish I had a pet that fit it, and I'm kind of bummed my new pet DOESN'T fit it - he's not quite that happy xD I love its different-colored quills and I don't think they look washed out at all - and I absolutely adore the way its splashing into its rainbow and that the rainbow is coming up from behind it. Sooo cute! It reminds me of the way Cairo hops around when she's chasing a fly xD
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Ierosbats »

The mask certainly adds to the similarity, but it wasn't solely what I was referring to. I mostly just meant the actual facial structure seems awfully similar: the head shapes, the cheek tufts, the nose, the mouth, that sort of thing. That said, those features are pretty common to a lot of subeta's mammalian pets, not just these two. The priggle's face is definitely consistent with subeta's "style."

I guess to put it a different way, I just think the expression is a little Generic Mammal Face #1. Not that that's a bad thing, people love cute, fuzzy animals, and I don't doubt this will be a very popular pet! Personally, though, my favorite spectrum pets, and pets in general, are the ones with different poses and expressions. I just replaced one of my pets with a spectrum archan a few days ago because I thought that pet was so unique. Same reasoning for my other spectrum pet, the velosotor. They still have the trademark goofiness of this colour, just without being cookie-cutter. I like that they provide something you can't get from any other pet. All I'm saying is I don't think the same is true for the priggle's face, but that's fine! Middle of road pets that appeal to a wide audience are important. If every pet had the same sort of weird quirk the spectrum velosotor has, I'm sure subeta wouldn't be nearly as popular as it is.

The hydrus and nightmare priggles have claws that are a different color than the feet, which, of course you know because you did them! =) I like the hydrus priggle's feet a lot, and would have loved to have seen a similar sort of pattern on the spectrum priggle's feet. I think it would have suited the colour. Even just making the claws a slightly lighter shade of grey would have helped to break up the darkness.

As a forum, we've debated about the whole consistency vs. creativity thing before, so I won't get too into it here because it's touchy, other than to reiterate: if it comes down to "Would this pet look better if I made an exception with the x" (in this case, claws), then I feel very Consistency-Be-Damned. Claw colour matching foot colour is not what determines if this is a priggle. It's just a tiny aspect of the pet, a little detail that should, in my opinion, be customizable by the artist, and it's the little details that often make or break a pet.
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

When it was being drawn at first, I tried giving the Priggle spectrum markings on its feet/toes, and they didn't look good at all. And the only reason Hydrus has the markings on the toes is because there was nowhere else to put them!

Hydrus always (or almost always at least, I'm not looking right this second to see if it goes for 100% of the pets) has black claws, and Nightmare pets tend to have large and exaggerated claws, which is why those two differ. I won't get into the argument of consistency between pets here as I really don't care to open up that particular can of worms, but the Priggle's claws are the same color grey because that's just how Priggles work! :)
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