Nightmare Bumbus, Lasirus, and Kerubi

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Nightmare Bumbus, Lasirus, and Kerubi

Post by TCStarwind »


Yay, new lasirus! 8D You have no idea how excited I am. I've been waiting for this for like a year now. Not exactly what I envisioned, but still very cool. I'm not digging the super long claws, but that's easily ignored (and it's a theme with the nightmare pets, so I can't say I wasn't expecting it). After I finish this post, I'm going to morph Exorea into one.

The bumbus is very dark. Even with the school computer screens, it's very hard to see, especially the midsection. As a bumbus, I don't find it terribly frightening, just because it's already so round and fluffy. I think it may have worked better if it were more wasp-ish, but I don't think it's too bad as it is.

The kerubi is my least favorite of the bunch. The pose just seems too human and awkward for a quadraped animal. I do really like its headwings, ears, and tail, though.
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Re: Nightmare Bumbus, Lasirus, and Kerubi

Post by Haken »

I actually really like the expression on the kerubi and the way the mouth and wings and such were done :3

The Lasirus is nice too. Though the feet seem rather off but that is minor. I also don't like the sharp bend on the tail there but that is also rather small compared to the gorgeous details^^

The Bumbus is okay. It's face does have a rather nightmarish look and I love the wings :)
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Re: Nightmare Bumbus, Lasirus, and Kerubi

Post by Seerow »

I don't really care one way or the other about the Bumbus as a species and this does really nothing to sway my opinion. At the right angle on my screen the mane looks gorgeous, but at most other angles it's just a dark bloby mess.

The Lasirus is adorable. I love how the wings were done and the pose is interesting, if not terribly practical. I think I would have liked a bit longer claws on the feet to make them a tad more deadly looking.

The Kerubi is my favorite of the batch I think. I really like the pose and the grin, though the raised forepaw looks odd in that position without a thumb :P
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Re: Nightmare Bumbus, Lasirus, and Kerubi

Post by Rakumel »

The Lasirus and Kerubi look pretty good, especially the lighting on the Kerubi. Nice choice for the angle!

But the Bumbus, to me at least, just looks like he slipped and fell on something. Not scary at all, I'm afraid. =\
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Re: Nightmare Bumbus, Lasirus, and Kerubi

Post by AngharadTy »

The bumbus is one of the very dark nightmare pets. Hard to make out all the details. I love the wings, though; very nicely tattered. The mane is really luscious. It just seems to me like it fell on its face trying to be scary, which... is actually pretty amusing, and I think I like it overall. ;)

Actually, the wings on all three are my favorite parts. The lasirus's wings are great, and the wings on the kerubi's head are so pretty.
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Re: Nightmare Bumbus, Lasirus, and Kerubi

Post by Faun »

I actually really like the Bumbus. The mane is really lovely and the expression is just fantastic. :)

Its nice to see a new lasirus, I like the teeth and the wings. Although it is a lovely colour, I personally wouldn't own it.

The Kerubi is nice too, the expression is nice and so are the wings, but overall the pose just seems awkward.
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Re: Nightmare Bumbus, Lasirus, and Kerubi

Post by Alicorn »

These are all nice additions to nightmare. None of them I'm really head over heels for but they aren't bad. And like Ty, I like the wings off of all three of them. They are all very nicely done. The wings are the kerubi's head are the best. I also like the vampire fangs on the lasirus, nice touch.
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Re: Nightmare Bumbus, Lasirus, and Kerubi

Post by MissBatty »

I'm actually quite disappointed with the Lasirus. There's something about the position of the wings and feet that throw me off. It doesn't look like it's in mid-flight or anything, rather than it does sitting. I love its face though, it's cute. CX

And why does the Bumbus get no love? I have a fancy new computer screen and it looks GORGEOUS. I could be more ferocious, but it's still the best of these three.
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Re: Nightmare Bumbus, Lasirus, and Kerubi

Post by Silverevilchao »

DUDE, the Bumbus is reaching out towards me with that hand...that's creepy. The other two...I'm not too fond of, actually. The Lasirus looks too cartoony to really be scary, IMO (something about the facial expression makes me think it belongs in a Kirby game), and the Kerubi is...weird. |D;; I can't really describe it. xD
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