Name clearing: The results

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Name clearing: The results

Post by Marah »

I can't believe there aren't any other NC-ers who ended up with new pets after the name clearing. So: stories, names and plans please!

As for me, I missed the actual clearing (but the name I want most of all hasn't cleared yet, pfew) but looked up some names yesterday and today. Some of my favourites have been reclaimed but some were available. So I created Antarctica and Caipirinha. And I started shuffling in my excel file of wanted pets. And found some more names. And more shuffling. And more names....

So I ended up buying a 1 week gold account medal and went from 3 to 10 pets in less than a day. Of course some of them need to be galactic, so I do this only a few hours after the caves close...

Anyway, I also created Borealis, Seagrass, Polar Aurora, Oceanis and Solaris. (I obviously had a one track mind.) Which leaves me with one totem for that one name and a lot of decisions to make as to what everyone is going to be, what minions to get and what treasures to fill...
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Re: Name clearing: The results

Post by Jessi »

With help from my friend Caleb (Icarus on Subeta), I got the name Caroline which was a last-minute decision that I am very happy with xD I also got the name Wreathe but I am not 110% set on it - we'll see!

I also changed my username from Jessibean to Jessi, which is a LOT weirder than I thought it'd be - I go by just "Jessi" on a few other sites as well, so it's not that, but it's just that my name looks SO short everywhere, like half of it fell off XD Oh well, I've got 30 days to see if it ends up sitting well with me or not!

I'm in an off-site cult for pet lovers, and our iRC chat was going completely crazy during the clearing! I had to take a quick nap afterward due to stress xD
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Re: Name clearing: The results

Post by Seerow »

Luckily none of the names I'm after were set to clear since I was at work anyway. Also luckily the names I'm after aren't likely to be highly sought after, so even if I'm gone I can hopefully catch them.
I might do some random searching later but I'm not really after anything else at the moment.

And congrats on all those names Marah! I really like the name Seagrass.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Name clearing: The results

Post by Joey »

I found three named before the actual clearing to use my loyalty box slots on. I already mentioned Sackbut in the other thread, but I also picked up Chorale and Ritornello. Not quite sure what I'm going to do with them, but they're good for now.
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Re: Name clearing: The results

Post by Wingsrising »

My problem is that I spend days trying to pick a pet name complaining that all the good ones are taken... then by the time there's a name clearing, I'm accustomed to the name I picked and don't want to change. So I've never gotten a pet in a name clearing... but congrats to those who did!

(For example, I would totally have taken Borealis if it had been free when I made Nightflare a few months ago -- I was searching aurora-related names obsessively -- but now that I have him, I'm happy with his name and wouldn't change. Congrats on the great name, though!)
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Re: Name clearing: The results

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Marah wrote:I can't believe there aren't any other NC-ers who ended up with new pets after the name clearing. So: stories, names and plans please!
I'd have a belated story to tell if I could actually create a Bumbus right now. >_> Luckily it's not exactly a popular name (or, er, character in this case) so I'm not worried about the name being snagged.
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Re: Name clearing: The results

Post by sezrin »

'19' my future steamwork Warador (once I've worked out how the hell you do that), based on the general idea from the film 9.

'Igorina' my future graveyard Charlie, based on the character with the same name from the discworld book, Monstrous
Regiment (a female Igor). Basically your typical mad scientist's assistance who's great with a needle and has a disturbing habit of carrying around spare body parts.

'Cortado' the cream Dilema, who complements Corretto the nightmare dilema as my coffee themed character. A Jekyll & Hyde split personality type who's dark side comes out when he's had a bit too much of the caffeinated beverage.

so that's 3 new treasures, and profiles to create when I haven't even started on most of my other pets. After 5 years you'd think I'd be a bit more on the ball...
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Re: Name clearing: The results

Post by AngharadTy »

I made three pets a few days ago; I assume the names were cleared recently, because I consider them pretty sweet. Pook, Arienrhod, and Facade. ^_^
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Re: Name clearing: The results

Post by Marah »

I love reading all these stories, some lovely names! And Jessi, it took me awhile to realise you were Jessibean! But all is good now. :)

And I know what you mean about picking names Wingsrising. I have a really hard time coming up with a new name for a desired pet after my first pick turns out to be taken. And Borealis is actually my second choice for that pet, the first choice won't be cleared for awhile. :( I like the name a lot, but I do have a lot of names ending with -is now!

As for my new pets, I decided to turn my vault upside down and find all my token shop restock potions and decided that letting them collect dust in my vault wasn't the best plan anyway so..... Seagrass is now a glade Chelon, Caipirinha is a spectrum Jollin and Oceanis a hydrus ontra (for the achievement mostly, till I can come up with something better.)

I have the worst time with treasures and minions though. I find searching minions very hard compared to neo's system of shops and colours. As for treasures, I had a spectrum TC idea, but it was more suited for a sweet, fluffy spectrum pet and I find the Jolling more of a hyper, energetic pet. So for now she has the masquerade lounge drinks in her TC. Not the most original idea, but they are certainly pretty enough for a treasure chest theme.
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