Begging For Pets

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Begging For Pets

Post by Discman »

Has anyone ever had someone neomail you and ask you for one of your pets? It happened to me once.

She seemed kinda young, so I turned her down gently. It surprised me though, that someone could think they could persuade other people to give up their pets by begging for them, especially colored pets. (The pet she was asking for was a Baby Uni). I don't think they realize that it just ain't gonna happen.

In another instance, I had a friend who had a pair of Krawks, a pink one and a mutant. She received a neomail from someone who "insisted" that she give up one of her Krawks. Her reasoning? It would be greedy to keep two, when most people don't have one. (??!?!)

So has this happened to anyone here?
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Post by Iggy »

As you may know, I am target-zapping Ixis for robot. So, I nearly always end up with unwanted Ixis. Usually, these are colors like Disco, Ghost, Christmas or whatever.

I usually make pounding boards, telling than I'm abandonning one of my Ixis, telling them which of them I'm getting rid of.

Every time, I get mails of "Would you abandon Uliish/Ulleki/Antipathie for me, please". Every time.
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Post by clsimmons1985 »

I get at least one neomail a day from people asking for my pets. Its been particulary bad since I linked to my side accounts from my main. And like your friend Discman, I often get ones saying "can you give me a maraquan/grey/baby pet because you have more than one of each colour and that's greedy". Erm they're called themed accounts?!
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Post by checkers »

Yes, I have them all the time o.O you know when I painted my Mynci Royal? she was like 34 hours old when I got a neomail saying.
Hello there, so glad you found my poor Mynci I painted her last week she's my only hand-painted pet I miss her oh so much please return her.

My MSN is: _ _ _ _

Thankyou ~ hope to see my girl soon :*
BUT that was like the DAY after I painted her ROFL! and I got a neomail someone saying.
Pound your Grarrl to me please.
o_O the point eh? ^^, other than that i get loads of complements and friend requests =3 eg; Hey nice pets you're a good owner, can my pets be friends with yours? thanks, byebye!

xD it's kinda flattering.
Crystal Firefly
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Post by Crystal Firefly »

Once some girl made a board asking for painted pets. Against my better judgement I pointed her over to the pound where one of my lab pets (White Gelert) was stuck. She never replied after this and some other lurker adopted the Gelert.

I just knew this was going to happen, a few hours later I got a neomail from this girl asking for my Faerie Gelert. I said sorry, and explained to her that she was never up for adoption. The girl then flipped out and called me a liar. I never heard from her again after that.
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Post by Mei »

You guys have had some nasty experiences :shock:

I've only had one neomail asking my Draik, I'm assuming the person asked for him since he wrote his name to it but I didn't understand the message since it was Spanish if I remember correctly. I just neomailed that I can't understand, English please, and never heard from him again. I do get mails about asking how to get a Draik every now and then. I try to be as polite as I can but it's not nice to write many mails about how to get a Draik TP, where you can get them, where is the trading post and so on (is it against the rules to use their own brains?!). I don't spend much time on the neoboards so I rarely get mails from strangers nowadays.
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Post by Slugawoo »

I have two draiks, and I'm linked to from a bunch of avatar sites, so I get a begging mail about once every two weeks.

Usually it's just 'can i have ur drak?' 'No.' 'ok, sry.' But I've had worse. :P Such as the ones where they call you greedy for saving up for two years to get two. -rolls eyes-
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Post by Jessi »

I get Neomails for my draik all the time - people either want him, or want to loan him for the avatar and such nonsense. Like Slugawoo, I also get called a number of names because I wish not to share a pet who now values at over 5 mil, NP Wise. >_> Darn, I suck
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Post by rebelheart »

I don't get that kind of mail. Nobody likes my pets but me, heh.
Twofold Black
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Post by Twofold Black »

It's only happened to me once, but I keep a pretty low profile. Oddly, when it happened it wasn't because the pet was painted, but because he has a great name -- I own Vritra, which is a character from Hindu mythology. (He'll be a Maraquan Krawk one day. This is slightly inappropriate, a Darigan Hissi might work better mythologically, but I don't want to double up on Darigan Hissis and the Maraquan Krawk is awesome.) The request was pretty literate and not too annoying, though the answer was still no.
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Post by adi_gallia »

Every so often when I post on the boards I get mail asking to borrow Qemical or just plain pound her.
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Post by Anza »

Despite having two painted Draiks and being fairly open with my username wherever I go I have never had anyone beg for one of my pets. I haven't got much n00bmail at all, actually. Or mail at all.

I guess I'm not famous enough. That and I don't go within a mile of the Neoboards XD
Mad Cavy Lady
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Post by Trick »

I've never had begging mail at all, though it probably helps that I don't link my side accounts and thus don't look rich or anything x)

I do occasionally get random nice neomails about FroggerSocks.
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

I'm ashamed to say that when I was about 13, I would neomail people who picked up nice pets I saw in the pound and say they interrupted a transfer. None of them ever replied and I didn't press the issue, so I think I stopped after the third try.

I can't find those people to apoligise, so for everyone whose had someone tell them that - Sorry, I'm a dick.

Never had anyone beg me for my pets. My pets are never expensive or rare enough, not to mention the fact I don't have neat names and keep away from the chatboards.

But yeesh, some of these stories are bad. People getting abusive because you don't give them a pet you worked hard for? Weirdos.
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Post by zebru »

I wish mine were straightforward like that. I had several examples where people seamed very nice and neomailed asking some genereal neopets questions over a period of a few days to a month only to stop beating around the bush and say "By the way could you please swap your battle pet/cybunny/well named pet for any of my pets. Pleeeaase!"
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