What's your claim to fame?

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What's your claim to fame?

Post by Kidnemo »

Ok so we were talking about this at work and it's always fun and interesting, and we're such a diverse group of people on NC that I thought it might be fun to share stories..

As for me, um.. the guy who plays Lou Carpenter in Neighbours (an Australia soap) is my great uncle or something, I met him once when I was little but I don't remember much of it. Oh and my family has loose ties to Daniel Radcliffe's which is cool.

Oh and not so much a claim to fame but celebrities quite often come into my work (coffee shop) which is pretty awesome, Perez Hilton was in a few weeks ago (does he count as a celeb?) and there was an embarrassing incident in which I forgot Patrick Stewart's name.. and I think he heard me referring to him as 'that old man, y'know?' but he didn't seem to mind.

Thinking about it this might have been better in my LJ.. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm 'bragging', I'm sure it doesn't though cos those are pretty lame but I know plenty of people have surprising stories or connections so.. I'll give it a shot. *covers eyes and clicks on Submit*
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I'm related to ex-President Zachary Taylor and circus entrepreneur P. T(aylor) Barnum, supposedly, from my maternal great-grandmother's side. (Mom's father's mother's Taylor roots) If so, it would explain a lot about my silly grandpa. :D

I've been fortunate enough to meet and even hang out after-party with my two favorite musicians, though not at the same time.
Those would be:
Alan Parsons (engineered Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" and Beatles' "Abbey Road", formed a band called Alan Parsons Project, and still writes music solo though sometimes collaborates with others)
Moby (the electronica/techno/rock/blues crossover musician who Eminem mocked)

And I've also had the fortune to communicate directly with some of my favorite current artists, like Donna Barr, Sue Dawe, and a Neo artist I admire.
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Post by ladynight6 »

Well as far as I know I'm not related to anyone famous. Or any famous politcians.
But I have met some authors when they came to our school.
I got to have a discussion with Kevin Crossley-Holland and was interviewed for a show about his visit at my school. I also got to meet Cliff McNish, when he came only because I couldn't do PE and thanks to free periods. He gave me advice on my writing. Oh and Philip Pullman pretty much ripped my finnish copies of His Dark Materials and signed them.
But I'm so bummed that I didn't get to meet John Green. Damn softball tournament! xD

Yeah, no movie stars or anything here... Just authors.
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Post by adi_gallia »

MY CLAIM TO FAME WAS MEETING YOU!..sorry whenever I hear claim to fame I always hear Jade Goody mouthing off in my head.

I think it's cool that you are related to Lou Carpenter! I always used to watch Neighbours and if I watched it today he'd probably be the only character I know..he is still in it right?

I really don't have a claim to fame..at all. I've never been to as much as a book/CD signing or something to say "I met .....". I'm a nobody. In fact if I did meet a celebrity I would walk right past them.

Earlier this year I saw Dawn French waiting to cross the road and we were in the car and didn't let her cross, that's about it really, I didn't even say anything to her, of course.

My Grandad was in the background of Inspector Morse for like 5 seconds I hear, he was a Policeman and I believe in the show he was a diver. I've never seen this so called appearance though.

Now that really is it, I'm related to an extra and my mum didn't let a comedienne across the road is my claim to fame.
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Post by Joey »

I'm sure there's more, but my favorite is selling Tim Powers (On Stranger Tides, Last Call, Anubis Gates) a hat. Twas the highlight of the Worldcon from Hell.
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Post by daisybell »

Whenever something happens that gives me a claim to fame I usually forget when I want to bring it up as an anecdote. Let's see...

Well, I went to a Little Britain signing in Borders in Oxford and Matt Lucas (as Andy, in his wheelchair) asked me my name, and when I replied he said "yeah I know" and I giggled nervously. When I left the table, he shouted really loudly "BYE ALISON". There were hundreds of people there for the signing and I was about 20th so a lot of people heard.

Quite a few of my relatives have met the Queen- my grandfather, and his mother. My parents have also, and they had a chat with Prince Philip at the same time- the Prince was asking what my dad did, and he said he worked from home. Prince Philip: "oh, I work from home too!".

Myself, I've, uh... performed live on BBC Radio 3 and read live on BBC 1- but it was 10am and the audience was only about 1 million. It was nervewracking enough though. I've also been on local TV in the background of a shot.

I knew Jane Tomlinson as a child, her eldest child was my best friend at primary school and we used to look after her and walk to and from school together. It was really sad news to hear of her death last week, my mum is going to her funeral but I decided not to go.

The only other one I can think of is that I sat at the same table as the Archbishop of Canterbury at a dinner in Oxford and the person next to me got very drunk and asked him if he brylcreemed his eyebrows.
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Post by Kidnemo »

MY CLAIM TO FAME WAS MEETING YOU!..sorry whenever I hear claim to fame I always hear Jade Goody mouthing off in my head.
Bahahaha, she'll rue the day she went back in that house.

...I have the techno mix of 'You're claim to fame is this.. THIS!' on my old computer :3

And.. my word Daisy, I had no idea.. that's all so cool.
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Post by Jessi »

My only Claim to Fames are rather... lame.

The best one I can think of right now is I went to high school and was in the same graduating class as Eddie Curry, one of the most promising basketball players in the NBA now. Really, we went to school all 4 years together, but we never had classes together - I was an honors student and a band nerd, and he was too busy playing basketball.
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Post by Seerow »

Hmm...my like 7th cousin or something is Kevin Denny who is a country singer. I think he has two albums out. Shame I don't like country.

And some other relative of mine had a book recently published. "How to Get a Cat to Sit in Your Lap" by Michael Denny.

Ursla Vernon responded to a email I wrote her commenting on one of her pictures once. She's my favorite artist and a wonderful person, so that was a rather nice suprise that she replied to my mail - I know she must get a lot.


Ohh, I have my very own page in a year book. Well, me and m sister and brother share it. I am a triplet, and being the first triplets at said school, earned us an entire page. It was kinda weird being called out of class to get a short interview (what am I supposed to say "how does it feel to be a triplet") but kinda cool too. This was an OLD school too so it was suprising that no other triplets had passed through its doors.
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Post by Fury »

daisybell wrote: The only other one I can think of is that I sat at the same table as the Archbishop of Canterbury at a dinner in Oxford and the person next to me got very drunk and asked him if he brylcreemed his eyebrows.


I don't have any really interesting claims to fame, although my grandfather was a famous Sussex cricketer and is in the Guiness Book of World Records for the most number of consecutive County Championship matches. [Yeah, I don't know what that means either.] Here he is on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Suttle

Also, my boyfriend is a minimalist composer. Not known by many, but he has studied with some great classical composers, written sleeve notes for countless CD's and is good friends with Sir John Tavener.
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Post by Monkeyguy »

Hrm, well as far as interacting with celebrities goes, I've met the guy who played Apollo Creed in Rocky and Gena Lee Nolan from Baywatch. They were involved with a short lived TV show called Sheena that was filmed at my mom's old job.

I've also walked right past Martin Johnson from Boys Like Girls and then when I realized who he was I couldn't find him again.

In regards to famous relatives, I'm supposed to be related to Paul Revere. That's about it though.
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Post by Kantark »

As probably some of you here know already I know the guy who was runner-up in UK Big Brother 2005. I also know Zoe Ball's mother (so, Fatboy Slim's mother-in-law). I'm told that there's the remote possibility that my legs are featured in the background for a split second during a current TV commercial but I still haven't seen it to confirm this.
Last edited by Kantark on 10 Sep 2007 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by zebru »

Nothing very close to home for me. My uncle is good friends with ex tennis player Goran Ivanisevic and my dad is friends with ex Chicago Bulls player Toni Kukoc. Yep, that's about it.
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Post by Cranberry »

I started SaveWonderfalls.com to try and get the FOX TV series Wonderfalls back on TV after it was canceled, or to at least get all 13 produced episodes on DVD (only four ever aired, even though the show was critically acclaimed and awesome). I got a few suggestions from Tim Minear while planning it, and after it went up, the show's other exec. producers, Bryan Fuller and Todd Holland, discovered the site and contacted me. We started talking over AIM, and they eventually wound up flying me to Hollywood twice, once for Comic-Con (we screened two unaired episodes, which Bryan let me pick) and once for the DVD release party and a live webcast with cast, producers, and me, heh. It was a lot of fun -- at Comic-Con, the show's stars kept asking Bryan's assistant to introduce them to me! I still talk to Todd occasionally and Bryan a little more often -- he's created Pushing Daisies, which will be airing this fall (it's SO good), and he wrote for Heroes last year (and didn't mind telling me spoilers, even when I didn't ask for them ;)).

I've seen a few other celebrities... I was at Keanu Reeves' star ceremony on the Walk of Fame (he walked right by me, but I didn't grab at him like everyone else was doing), and I saw Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith in Manhattan... oh, and Ryan Seacrest in Chinatown (he was short and very orange!). I went to a Tonight Show taping and saw Ryan Cabrera and Don Cheadle (and Ashlee Simpson, back when she was actually sort of cute). I saw Joss Whedon, the entire Firefly cast, the Dead Like Me cast, and Amber Benson at Comic-Con. I also saw Russell Crowe and Ron Howard filming Cinderella Man in Toronto. I didn't talk to any of those people, though, so they don't count as "claims to fame," just sightings.
Last edited by Cranberry on 11 Sep 2007 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Twofold Black »

Joey wrote:I'm sure there's more, but my favorite is selling Tim Powers (On Stranger Tides, Last Call, Anubis Gates) a hat. Twas the highlight of the Worldcon from Hell.
Tim Powers! Delicious.
Seerow wrote:Ursla Vernon responded to a email I wrote her commenting on one of her pictures once. She's my favorite artist and a wonderful person, so that was a rather nice suprise that she replied to my mail - I know she must get a lot.
She seems to be good about that. She's responded to me on a couple of occasions, and it looks like for a while there she was reading my livejournal. I know, crazy. If I ever get around to writing Ringwraith No. 5 Has Two Mommies, she owes me a dollar.

I am a few degrees removed from a lot of notable people, and a smaller number of notable people who are of actual interest to me. My partner lit a cigarette for Kevin Spacey, lost a pen to Richard Roundtree, and worked for a guy who took a famous photo of the Twin Towers burning; his best friend knows Mike Godwin. My sister attended highschool with Edward Norton. (We grew up in the town his grandfather built.) My father's girlfriend's brother-in-law is friendly with Tim Roth, who is looking for funding to direct a film adaptation of said brother-in-law's book -- whatever, this is not important, what's important is that I innocently check my email and discover things in it like
Mr. Black Senior wrote:Hey Laurie. Just got this pic from Tim Roth and thought [Mr. Black Senior] would like to see it. We had talked about this when we were out and you were in wisco I think. it's from the Hulk shoot he's on now. This is the character he's playing.
with a Mike Deodato drawing of the Abomination attached. Oh my god. Norton is in that film also, as Banner himself; I'm sure when it's out I'll discover the gamma radiation was played by some old school friend of mine or something. (Incidentally, this connection to Roth puts me just a couple more steps away from Tupac Shakur, most of the cast of the Harry Potter films, and <i>Samuel L. Jackson</i>.) Mr. Black Senior also happens to have met Jim Steranko.

I have had a few encounters with actual semifame and/or infamy. I gave Jo Walton an idea for a story once, and Graydon Saunders and I flirted in half-drabbles. Patricia Wrede supported me in email. I've met Marv Wolfman. And, well ... I used to hang out online with Doug Winger. I had no idea who he was at the time. Don't look him up at work, if you're under the age of majority in your jurisdiction, or if you value your SAN points.
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