Odd Bird Situation

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Odd Bird Situation

Post by Mac »

hey guys, i just thought since you all seem to know a lot about animals you could help me out. since morning yesterday, a group of birds has been repeatedly flying into our windows. when i say repeatedly i mean, literally every 5 seconds. i could probably set a watch by it.

the windows are all in the same room, so it's not like they are strategically located around the house XD; the cats love it, but i'm very worried because surely all that flying into things might mess them up? when i come by the window to get a better look, they scurry off, only to be back a minute later... which leads me to think they're not visually impaired... so what are they doing and how can i help them?

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Re: Odd Bird Situation

Post by Cranberry »

Maybe they can see their reflections in the window and think they're attacking enemy birds in their territory? Or maybe they're going after your cats because they have a nest nearby. That's all I can think of. If it's a reflection thing, getting some of those plastic window decals (they're inexpensive and available lots of places) and putting them up usually helps.
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Re: Odd Bird Situation

Post by hebdenhippy »

I've had this problem before, what had happened was, an owl had made a nest on top of the chimney, and the nest fell down the chimney and into the fireplace. The owl was continuously flying into the window, I checked the fire place and sadly the nest was there with some broken eggs :( we've since had wire meshes attached to the tops of the chimneys.

Of course it might not be the same thing, but you might want to check your chimneys/fireplaces just in case.
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Re: Odd Bird Situation

Post by Mac »

hm, i think the bird is just actually crazy, the other birds have stopped, all but this one... now he's sitting on our car's rear view mirror and repeatedly jumping at the ground. there's nothing in our chimney/fireplace though... i think we're going to buy some decals though, just to prevent it from happening. =]
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