So long, Farewell, Cheerio

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So long, Farewell, Cheerio

Post by gomababe »

At least for the next week and a bit :p. For those that haven't been following the RLAaToW thread:

I got a job offer for a position with the DWP in Poole on Monday afternoon and decided to takke the job. I was given a week to sort out how I was getting down to Poole {I live near Edinburgh in Scotland}, where I would be living and how I would get to work first thing on the following Monday morning. Cue a frantic week of worrying over what I was going to do and how the heck I'd manage to get a dress for my aunt's weding in November {I'm the Maid of Honour at said wedding}. By this morning I have maanged to:

Find a place to stay with a lovely family who are willing to let me live with them as long as I need.
Found the perfect Bridesmaid's dress, shoes, shawl and tiara
Bought a whole bunch of new clothes suitable for wearing to the office
Packed everything I need as far as clothing goes
Booked my flight to Southampton airport from Edinburgh
Arranged for someone to pick me up and take me to my new home
Managed to arrange to borrow a laptop with a wireless card, dvd player and games console with games from my friend until I can afford to get them for myself {the laptop will end up getting bought with the first month's wages, along with Spore to play with}.

So yes, it has been a very hectic week and I don't know when I will next get onto the internet to bug you all again since I don't know whether the older laptop will behave with the wireless broadband in the house I'll be living in. So until I get an internet connection I shall have to leave ;-;. I'll try to be back as soon as with pictures though :wink:.
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Re: So long, Farewell, Cheerio

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Ooh best of luck! Hopefully this will be a fun, exciting, and profitable venture. I'm glad things seem to be working out. :) Let us know when things settle in a little bit!
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Re: So long, Farewell, Cheerio

Post by 23639377 »

Wow, good of you! *Is looking forward to you photos* :D
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Re: So long, Farewell, Cheerio

Post by Kantark »

Good luck! I hope things all go to plan and you're back online soon.
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Re: So long, Farewell, Cheerio

Post by gomababe »

Finally got the internet connected, even if it's not wireless and through an ethernet cable for now.

I'm all settled and and have done the first of eight weeks of training now ^_^. It's going well so far, even if all the bank stuff still needs to be sorted out so I can get my wages {what's the betting I'll have to ask for an advance for October? -_-}.

No pictures yet, unfortunately, I'll try to get some next weekend if my friend comes over with her mobile in tow so we can get them onto the computer for you guys ^_^.

The family are very nice, they've been such a help to me already, even though the cheques my dad gave me ended up boucncing because he lost his cards a while back XP;. The little boy's adorable, even if he does have his moments, and the baby's quite happy staying where he is for now ^_^;. I do try my best to help around the place though, since I'm sharing their house and all, so I currently help to clear up after dinner and offer to make teas and coffees any time I'm making them for myself.

I think we're planning to go to the beach today, if Jude behaves himself that's to say. Hope so because it's really nice out and it'll be a chance to get to know the family better. At least they don't have to worry about my dinner tomorrow since I'm going round to my friend's house for roast in the afternoon. She's making desert especially for the occassion and we're going to go look at the prices for decent laptops for me to buy when I finally get the money to do so ^_^.

Anyways got to clear up the dishes now, I'm already taking up about half the table with all my bits and pieces without leaving my bowl around ^_^;.
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