Royal Skeiths

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Royal Skeiths

Post by ismerai »


Omg the Girl one has no wings. :shock: Anyways... They both look like white skeiths with clothes on, although the girl is a super light pink. I really like the clothes on the boy, but I just don't really like skeiths overall. The girl's clothes is okay... Overall I don't really like them, they could have probably been really nice in v1.0....
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Royalgirl and Royalboy Skeith.

Post by Spyro »

I am not new to neocolours, I used to love to come here and read what you guys had to say, so I finally decided to join to have my input.

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I've never really been that much of a SKeith fan, I do however, like the blend of colors between their skin, ears, and clothes. I'm not quite to sure what happend to the Royalgirl's wings though o.o
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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by Silver Link »

Like the color, hate the poses

Female reminds me of the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by Seerow »

Female just looks really wrong. I just can't help but thinking its a dude in drag.
The male is actually rather nice, and I like the white base. I think they should have used another accent color on the clothes then yellow though, since it rather blends in with the Skeiths spikes and stuff.
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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by uberstav »

MEH. i think skeiths are fat blobs of uselessness...but thats just me being my biased skeith hating self....but im going to attempt to critique this color while negating my bias.

ok..i really don't like the fact that the girl has no wings....cause that just prooves once again how TNT is a bunch of LAZY ASSES.

ok so on the good side..i like the light light colors that they gave each of them...cause something about their whitish tones gives of a regal vibe. I like the males clothes better....but I would have liked the girls if her stupid dress didnt shoot out once it hit her "waist"...if they had made it long and flowy without jutting it out like crazy she would look much nicer.

ALSO I second silver_links post as the first thing I thought of when I saw the royalgirl was the queen from Alice in wonderland...and im sure we're not the only ones thinking this :P *sticks sharp objects where stinky little unoriginal artists go to sit *
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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by Arviragus »

I'm going to third the Alice in Wonderland thing.

I'm not a big fan of the shading on the faces, especially on the girl; it looks like she's got a pink 5 o'clock shadow. It also feels like they used the wrong colour of yellow on the boy's tailtip. This brush costs HOW much again?
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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by Nogitsune »

FTW?! Anyone else thinking we could make a site better than what Neopets is devolving into? Seriously they're both shades of WHITE! The female doesn't even have wings? Can you get more lazy?!
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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by varii »

When ever I look at Skeiths, I imagine them shouting 'booya!' and accenting it with a hip thrust.

I'd be interested to see the Royalgirl without her clothes. That she doesn't have them at all is strange because it goes against their identical paper-doll concept...I wonder if the layer the dress is on is just making them disappear.

Anyways. I'm not very impressed with Royalboy. He should have had a beard at the very least. AND WHY HAVE FISTS IF YOU DON'T GIVE THEM ANYTHING TO HOLD? Seriously. A royal goblet, a drumstick...royal pets could have so many more accessories than just scepters. Ugh. 2.0 was supposed to be about creativity but TNT and their artists seem to have none. Frick.
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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I hadn't noticed that the female has no wings. But yeah, that's pretty major there.

I definitely thought Queen of Hearts too, and I think they tried to offset it by at least not having hearts on her dress.

I also agree with the "semi-dance with a hip thrust" thing with how they have both fists placed a certain way. Why neither of them is holding some kind of staff is beyond me. Many royal pets do, and I think it's a nice extra. So with two fists, I don't get why they'd just leave them looking like that.
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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by Gumdrops »

I think Skeith's are hideously ugly and these are no exception. I actually do like the clothes on the boy. I kinda like the base color of the girl too.

Also, word to the whole never putting anything in the fists thing! They uglified the pets and gave them all fists, but what the hell was the point if none of the pets are ever clutching anything?
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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by 23639377 »

I hate them both. I was expecting Hagan to be the royalboy, but no. :(
All skeiths are ugly, and this one is no expection, especially the girl. She looks so... granny? They could have been look nicer before customization.
The ideas are not that good either. They always draw western royals. Lame.
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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by Usul_Princess »

varii wrote: Anyways. I'm not very impressed with Royalboy. He should have had a beard at the very least. AND WHY HAVE FISTS IF YOU DON'T GIVE THEM ANYTHING TO HOLD?
*laughs* This is why Kamil and I bitch all the time about that whole "fist O'DOOM" thing as she lovingly calls it.
It doesn't make any sense unless the brush came with something to hold already. I mean, obviously it was there for if your "pet" loves to shop at the NC mall for handheld accessories and superpacks.
It also brings up the point that if maraquans, mutants, and babies can't hold anything, (and completely uncustomizable) why was their artwork on the chopping block?

Anyways, they look exactly how I expected them too. Fat, inexplicably anthro, and rubbish. (I did notice RG having no wings either.)

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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by champagnesoup »

I like the Royalboy's clothes, but I too am puzzled by the lack of sceptre or standard to hold. As Skeiths are such ugly pets I'm not sure many people would waste a Royal paintbrush on them anyway, so we probably won't see many Royal Skeiths. However, Usul_Princess, I rather miss the anthro nature of the old Royal pets - the Royalgirl Kyrii a case in point. Probably the only time I have ever wanted to own a Kyrii!
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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by hebdenhippy »

Skeiths have always been my least favourite Neopet, and trying to pretty them up with clothes really doesn't work for me. The clothes themselves are alright I guess, but they're wasted on Skeiths. The lack of wings on the Royal Girl is also very bad, come on TNT, really?

Finally, like others have said...GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO HOLD DAMMIT!!!
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Re: Royal Skeiths

Post by Usul_Princess »

champagnesoup wrote:I like the Royalboy's clothes, but I too am puzzled by the lack of sceptre or standard to hold. As Skeiths are such ugly pets I'm not sure many people would waste a Royal paintbrush on them anyway, so we probably won't see many Royal Skeiths. However, Usul_Princess, I rather miss the anthro nature of the old Royal pets - the Royalgirl Kyrii a case in point. Probably the only time I have ever wanted to own a Kyrii!
Heh, you're talking to someone who has a closet lust for Anthro, *and* had a Royalgirl usul. :P I loved pets that were already 1/2 anthro and Royal. Kyriis, Krawks, and Usuls were the best anthro Royals because they were already standing on 2 feet. It's that hind-leg anthro thing that irks me now. Mainly because quadroped royals were excecuted the very best. (see: Kougra. I always wanted a pair of UC royal kougras . Bastards. :( ) The best examples are elephantes and skeiths. They're quadropeds! It just looks so....forced. My best friend would be so sad if she still played. Skeiths were one of her favorite species.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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