Holiday Name Changes

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Holiday Name Changes

Post by klaatu99 »

Is it just my bad memory or didn't the trick or treating and pumpkin patch start earlier than this last year? That's something that I've been looking forward to for the past couple of months and I thought they started it in like the first week of October.

Huggles Mod Edit: I changed the title. "Halloween Fun" might lead people to expect Halloween and/or fun, instead of a debate.
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Sunwolf »

Whenever people post on the forums asking where Jaxon Skelly and the other Halloween stuff is, Keith posts saying "It will start at LEAST a week into October."

My theory is that the artists got caught flat-footed, like for Canada Day. Which is pretty damn stupid - they had to know October was coming. (If I'm totally wrong I apologize, but come on - we've been getting nothing, not even unretired Holiday Shop items. And no, I'm not going to smail Amber to remind her. Whenever I do that she ignores me. I just hope we get a Skeletal Bat - I suggested it to the Suggestion Center last year. But that will most likely be ignored too. I'm quite certain that none of the Staff bothers to read them.)

I also do not like "Bloodred Halloween Sabre" changing into "Morostide Bloodred Sabre." Morostide? What's wrong with "Halloween?" I was going to buy one for my gallery, but not now. :?
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Griffin »

Sunwolf wrote:My theory is that the artists got caught flat-footed, like for Canada Day. Which is pretty damn stupid - they had to know October was coming. (If I'm totally wrong I apologize, but come on - we've been getting nothing, not even unretired Holiday Shop items. And no, I'm not going to smail Amber to remind her. Whenever I do that she ignores me. I just hope we get a Skeletal Bat - I suggested it to the Suggestion Center last year. But that will most likely be ignored too. I'm quite certain that none of the Staff bothers to read them.)
If I'm not mistaken, Keith said they have "literally hundreds" of items in store already. Pretty soon we'll be drowning in a deluge of candy, pumpkins, and stripy stuff.
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Bacon »

Well, there will be no more "Halloween". It's now officially Morostide! Don't change christmas...
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Sunwolf »

Bacon wrote:Well, there will be no more "Halloween". It's now officially Morostide! Don't change christmas...

GOOD GOD. I just noticed that all of my Halloween items have been renamed "Morostide." I don't care if it's "Subeta-related." It's fucking stupid. My Halloween Gallery is RUINED. It's fucking Halloween, not "Morostide."

Did Subeta get sued by a Fundamentalist Christian group or something? Will Mardi Gras stuff change into "party" items now? The thing I loved about Subeta was all the real holidays :(

Dang, this is just like when a bunch of "Keith" items were renamed "Fanboy." Ruined my Keith Gallery too.

EDIT: From Rah: "It's definitely permanent. Welcome to the start of a new subeta."

Great. Just great. According to Tche, Christmas is going to change, too.
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Joey »

Ugh, this just cheeses me off. They're not making their own holiday, they're just stealing an existing one and giving it a new name. That's just lazy. If you're going to make your own holidays then DO IT, don't cop out and just borrow one. Halloween is my Christmas and this just sucks.
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Jessi »

I'm bothered more by the fact that they're trying to make Subeta be its own unique place (which I think is neat) yet... they renamed Halloween to Morostide.

Moros being a rather important part of Greek mythology >_>

What's the point of trying to make it original if you're still just going to borrow things from real-world mythology anyway?

That and as Joey said.. it's not like they made up a holiday. They used a normal holiday and changed the name. It's kind of a copout.

I guess I'll never get the Chanukah items that were never unretired last year. This was like the only website that actually had Chanukah items, too. Fail.
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by lavender »

Morostide? What kind of word is that? Is it even *somewhat* related to Halloween?

Bleh, that's so lame. Especially for Halloween gallery owners. :(
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Joey »

My best guess is they were going for something like Yuletide but changed yule to morose. Which leads back to Greek mythology, which I'd bet is the origin on the word.

Still lazy as hell though.
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Jessi »

Actually, Joey, Rah said on the forums that the name came from Moros from mythology, not the word Morose. If that's what they were going for (Morose, I mean), hey cool, but it still irks me that they're 'originally' using a god name and tacking 'tide' on the end.

And as usual, anyone who dares says they don't like it is getting told to shut up and wait and see. Glee.
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Rah »

I don't see the problem with Halloween Gallery owners. They're just Morostide gallery owners now. They still have galleries full of the same item, and are still collecting the same thing :/

The thing is, that we could either get rid of halloween completely, or rename it. Yes, we're working towards a Subeta that has its own lore, history, holidays - but I'm pretty sure if we just removed Halloween, we'd be strung up by the nether regions. It's most peoples favourite time of the year! And Subeta has always improved on it by making it more than just one day long. Usually a whole month, although this year we've shortened it a tad due to complaints on it lasting /too/ long. So the major holidays are likely to be renamed, and the smaller ones eradicated and replaced with more subeta like holidays. Like blob animal day. Or Parsley day. Who knows.
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Iggy »

According to Tche, Christmas is going to change, too.
Do I know if they'll change Christmas. No, I don't, but I seriously hope they do. Seriously, thee is no Christ in Subeta, only a Chrust. Chrustmas to worship the minion would be farfethed.
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Joey »

Ah ok, I didn't know that someone on staff had said something. That makes it worse actually cause then they're directly borrowing from mythology. Meh, I'll still like the pumpkins and all, but it's really gonna kill my Halloween spirit on Subeta.
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Jessi »

I just think it's rather sad they're doing this now, so far along into Subeta being up. By now there are thousands of Christmas items - and Halloween items, and Easter items, and so on and so forth. So they can't make their -own- winter holiday - if they do, it just looks like this, where they renamed an already existing holiday and stole all its traditions.

And they can't logically delete all the old Halloween/Christmas/what have you items (well they could, but that would be shitty of them) because obviously that would leave several people unhappy. Also, using the "there's no Christ on Subeta" reasoning is kind of a cop out on its own >> Christmas is 90% commercial anyway. Hell, I'm Jewish and I still put up a tree and pass out presents :P

I just think this could have been done... better, somehow. The idea of Morostide (stupid name) being a month-long celebration on the world of subeta itself is cool. The idea of just taking Halloween items, and giving them a new name is not. They could have gone about this much better. They opened the door wide open to make a plot from this, to tie it all together, or something similar.

If they plan on doing that - hey, great. But maybe they should have given an explanation BEFORE they renamed the items. Just my two cents *shrugs*
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Re: Halloween fun

Post by Iggy »

Christmas is 90% commercial anyway.

McChristmas. I'm loving it.
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