Two freshly painted pets!

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Two freshly painted pets!

Post by Madge »

I have been meaning to post this for a while, but here we go.

After humming and hawing about a name for the royalgirl chomby I have wanted since the damn things came out, I ended up going with Abeigh, which I like more the more I see it. I have painted her and will probably prettify her lookup soonish. In the meantime, it has text in it, which should be enough for anybody.
Abeigh's lookup
I don't know which petpet to give her, though. I have a Skree lying around that I am thinking about imparting onto her.

And shortly afterwards, I was playing around on my main account and noticed I couldn't use the shop wizard thanks to a visit from the fountain faerie. However, there was a problem: I already had a pending FFQ on that account. Fortunately, that problem had a solution, and thus FSM, who I had been procrastinating painting quite badly, became a pirate shoyru. I have more or less finished the image for his lookup, so it should be up in a few hours, when I get home from work. (I work so hard I can write posts to AaToW while I do my job. Which is to sit here until a student shows up!)
FSM's lookup

Yeah, I know he doesn't have noodly appendages, but pirates are divine beings, are they not?

So now I have an FFQ sitting, waiting to be used, and that's the way I like it. I was thinking of making something plushie but the new plushie pets are made of suck, so that is out the window.

And for those of you who wish to hate me, I will fess up to all my FFQs:
1) Painted Sail pirate. I was saving up for a pirate PB at the time so this was one I actually needed
2) Painted Dollt plushie, who I later adopted out because I got sick of her. Somebody here owns her now though so everyone's happy.
3) The one that painted FSM
4) The one I haven't used yet

That's in about 3 years or so of playing, so it's slightly more than one a year, which seems a reasonable rate for FFQ to come at.
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Re: Two freshly painted pets!

Post by clsimmons1985 »

Wow they both look amazing :D I would definitely go with the skree for Abeigh (love the name by the way :) )

And four FFQs in 3 years?! I have been playing since June 2001, and am yet to have one! Please send her in my direction :D
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Re: Two freshly painted pets!

Post by covet »

Hahaha. I don't think these are FFQs, Madge. I think you have the fountain faerie clubbed unconscious in a cupboard somewhere and you get a quest each time she wakes up.

I'm not even saying how long I've been playing without her stopping by. A loooong time.

But congratumalations! Abeigh really really suits her, and that's probably my favourite new royal colour that I've seen. Pirate is also awesome, and now your account will be safe from Ninjas.
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Re: Two freshly painted pets!

Post by Cranberry »

I've had one FFQ in eight years! (FFQs haven't been around quite that long, though.) Congratulations! The pirate shoyru is cute. I really like the chomby, though. Whoever did the royalgirl is great; the clothes and accessories fit her so nicely, and the color scheme is pretty.
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Re: Two freshly painted pets!

Post by Seerow »

Grats Madge, some nice pets indeed! And also on all those FFQs. Abeigh is a very pretty name, surprised it wasn't taken already.

I miss the old days of FFQs, where you just had to sign up with sponsers to use them. I painted two of my original pets Faerie that way.
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Re: Two freshly painted pets!

Post by mellaka »

Congrats on the new colors. I'm not a fan of most redrawn pets but both of these came through looking pretty good. Shoyrus are a species that the new look really bugs me, but the Pirate clothing/accessories hide most things I don't like about them now. The Chomby is especially nice too and lovely name.

I've had more than my share of FFQ but she's been avoiding me ever since I decided my next one will be for the avatar finally. (Alien Aisha, Plushie Scorchio, Darigan Hissi and Darigan Ixi are the pets I've gotten.)
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Re: Two freshly painted pets!

Post by Madge »

The thing about the new shoyrus is they have thumbs. THEY ARE MEANT TO HAVE USELESS STUMPS.

Also, did you know the pirate shoyru has pants? They are the same colour as their skin and almost indistinguishable whether they're off or on. So FSM should be wearing pants, but I took them off. So he isn't wearing pants, haha.

But seriously, are more colours like that? Where they have invisible pants, presumably so people aren't OMG MY PET ISN'T WEARING PANTS?

And when I said "3 years" I meant "since the FFQ started". But I have had my current account 3 years, or a bit more than.

Also, Cranberry, considering how you are so wealthy I don't think you need an FFQ as badly as some other people do :P [/jealousy] Not that I do, really, but I couldn't afford a pirate pb in today's economic climate, that's for sure.

And yes, the old-style FFQs were KICK ARSE. I remember I like painted a shoyru fire with one of those. Who would paint a shoyru fire with an FFQ today? Nobody, that's who. Or maybe W. Wrongy Wrongenstein.
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Re: Two freshly painted pets!

Post by Larkspurlane »

I think the Skree is a great choice for her. There's something slightly barbaric/wild/ancient about Skrees that suits Abeigh's look as a Tyrannian matriarch. If only they could be painted purple! (Well, if only Skrees could be painted, period. Faerie would look so pretty with all those feathers to play with.)

Btw, the pics of each pet on your lookup = freakin' adorable!! Cutie pie!

:shock: your FFQs.
Thank you for the av and sig set!
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Re: Two freshly painted pets!

Post by Usul_Princess »

....And *I* watched the unveiling of FSM just by coincidence while browsing on my side account. :P




She taught me how to do screenies while on the boards! *squee*
It's funny how you mentioned Xsceena, I was planning on FFQ'ing her into a Maraquan uni or a faerie peophin, since I have a new boochi guard on my main in the event I get a 2nd FFQ because I hate the lab ray and it's glitch color changes.

I do miss the old Pirate shoyru *snf*. It was one of 4 pets ever where I said "I'm saving up and getting that!", and actually owned within a week. Have you thought about using your 4th FFQ on the buzz avatar? (Seeing as though you'll get another one in like a month :P)

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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