Election 2008!

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Election 2008!

Post by Jessi »

Since I'm leaving for the polls as soon as I post this, I figured maybe it was time for a brief election topic here!

How many of you Americans ran off to vote already, did early voting, or will be going to vote later? (ALL OF YOU THAT ARE OVER 18 I HOPE!). What issues were important to you on this? Did you have to wait in line? Have any issues? ETC!

This is my first time voting like this - in the past, I've always had to absentee ballot for my home state of Illinois. Now that I'm a Kansas resident however, I'm finally getting to vote like a normal person xD I'm insanely nervous, even though I shouldn't be - but I lost my voter registration card ;_; We called to make sure you don't need it, and you don't, but I'm afraid the people at the polls will give me a hard time xD

I'm sure it'll be fine :3

All right, I'm off to vote! Dressed from head to toe in blue, you think they'll get the hint? XD
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by thelonetiel »

I voted!

I turned 18 on Friday, then went in to do early voting Saturday. It felt great to have my first privilege as a legal adult be to go in and vote for president. :3

I did have some hassle because while I registered in September, they had to go in and do some stuff to change my status to "active" and since they couldn't send my voter ID card out till I was actually 18, I didn't have that to make things go faster. They ended up manually putting me in the system, or something, I'm not sure of the details, just that they were calling people and shuffling me from person to person.

That was fun! Except the local ballots are kinda confusing, they aren't very clear as to where the "Straight Party" vote ends and you actually have to start voting again, but I didn't know anything about the local judges and so just left that blank.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by WisteriaLynx »

I really, really want to vote, but my parents seem to have forgotten my arrangements to get picked up today so I can go home and vote. (I go to college close enough to home where sending an absentee ballot would have been a waste of time.)


It's my first election I can legally vote in, and darn it, I want to! ><;
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Hawk »

I voted early! I turned 18 last February, so this is my first election. I got to the polls a few weeks ago, on the first day they were open at 10:00 in the morning. I was one of the first people in line.

I'm from North Carolina - about 2.6 million people voted early here. It's been really fun, since this is both my first election and the first election in a while where North Carolina actually might not go Republican.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Jessi »

I am back from the polls! It was relatively hassle-free, even without my card :3 they just looked me up and had me sign a few things xD

Kansas's voting ballots are old school - you take a pen and fill in the circles :P Still, it was fun! And now I have my little "I Voted!" sticker on :D I didn't even have to wait in line!
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by FaerieInGrey »

I'll be voting after work around 5.

Did you guys have interesting propositions on your ballot?

This year we have eliminating state income tax, decriminalizing marijuana, and banning greyhound racing. And I guess others that I haven't heard anything about. Jay voted this morning before work.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Goldenchaos »


I have to wait till I get off work to vote, maybe hopefully I can get a time off for voting ..and leave two hours earlier.

Oh, and a few places are giving free stuff if you voted. Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, and Ben and Jerry's all give you free somethings. :D
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Jessi »

The only propositions on the Lawrence ballot were for a few tax raises that I voted yes on. One was to help fund care of streets, and the other two were to help fund the T, Lawrence's public transporation system.

I don't personally use the T, but I think it's important for a city like ours, that tries hard to be very green and is full of college kids, to have a good public transportation system. I don't see that one failing - most people are big fans of the T XD
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Kari »

My first time voting too, though I turned 18 almost two years ago, haha. I had to do it through absentee ballot because I'm registered in PA but living in FL right now. I thought having to put the ballot in and envelope and put that envelope into ANOTHER envelope was funny.

The only proposition on my ballot was something about funding the water system.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Seerow »

I'll be voting for the first time later on this afternoon after class, when probably everyone and their mother will be out voting :(
This will be my first election, since I wasn't quite 18 yet when the last election was held.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by thelonetiel »

There were a few propositions for funding here, one for senior centers and another for libraries. I voted for both of them. I think.

I didn't get an "I voted" sticker, as they decided not to give them out this year. Which is kinda nice, the stickers are pretty wasteful if you think about it. It might make lobbying for a free Starbucks item more difficult though.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Wingsrising »

I voted a little over a week ago: I wasn't going to ask for an absentee ballot, but the Obama campaign brought the request forms right to my door, so I figured, "Why not?"

It means I miss out on the excitement of going to the polls... but I miss out on the lines, too.

The only interesting proposition we had was to change the language in a law somewhere from "idiots and the insane" to "people judged mentally incompetent to vote" or something like that.

Trivia fun fact: ask to make sure, but generally you don't have to vote in any elections you don't want to. So, if you don't know anything about the candidates for Obscure County Office X, you can just skip that one. :-)
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Joey »

I'm gonna head out to vote when I leave for class. First presidential election since I was 17 and 11/12ths in 2004. Since I'm in California, I get all the good propositions. Huge ass NO on 8, plus a bunch of others on like animal cruelty protection, minor abortion notification, like three on changes in the police force, cleaner energy bills, and a neat one on a high speed train from LA to San Francisco.

And I just want to throw out how much Prop 8 disgusts me. The title of the thing says ELIMINATE RIGHTS. How in the hell can any decent person vote for that? The Yes on 8 ads are blatant lies, stuff about schools going to start teaching kids to be gay (Complete and utter bullshit. The right of gays to marry has no bearing whatsoever on what the schools teach, and kids will find out about homosexuals one way or another because it's a fact of life that isn't going away. If in the event that you don't approve of gay marriage, you can be a damn parent and teach your own damn kids what you believe.) and that churches will be forced to marry same sex couples. (Also bullshit. Like there was a huge influx of lawsuits the entire time they've been legal, right? Yeah, the law can't force your church to preform marriages if it doesn't want to. And I'm not sure why any same sex couples would want to be married at a church that condemned them to hell, but that's just me.) The whole thing just sickens me.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Goldenchaos »

Theres a bunch of yes on 8 people at the corners near work. :D I just flipped them off as I lack a sign to stick on my window.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Monkeyguy »

I voted! Here in Florida the only major amendment (imo) was Amendment 2 which not only double bans gay marriage (we already have law prohibiting it), it also takes rights away from any unmarried couple regardless of how long they have been together. Of course I voted No (aka for gay marriage).
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