Sniping at browsers again? Really?

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Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by AngharadTy »

Warning: Today I am sarcastic and irritable.
Subeta wrote:Posted by Keith at 06:58 pm
Just a note for those of you IE users, today IE8 was released, with improvements to every aspect of the browser.

If you are using IE6 or IE7, I suggest you upgrade.

Really, though, I suggest you download Firefox or the new gorgeous Safari. Both are still much better browsers
Starts out good--why does there have to be yet another wank against IE at the end? IE8 is the most secure browser right now. But you know, nothing is 100% secure. Ever. EVER. Use whatever browser you like and stop trying to convert people. Just browse smart, periodically use something like AVG, just in case, and hey, no problems. The only problem I had in years of PC use was a nefarious ad via dA that gave me a trojan, and I found out within a day and took care of it.

So, really, define "better." It's not security. What is it, comfort? Looks? Plug-ins don't actually count--unless it's something that Firefox includes on its own, it can't count for Firefox's reputation. I mean, if you use Firefox for Adblock, that's perfectly fine, but it's not Firefox that designed it, it doesn't come standard, Joe Shmoe doesn't know it exists, so it can't really end up as a tick in Firefox's column.

I've used multiple browsers, and lately, I use nothing but Chrome. I hated Safari so much it was ridiculous. It was good on the Mac back when browsers all sucked on the Mac; I don't know about now (on the Mac--I have tried it on my PC, because I don't think you can have an opinion about something without trying it). I have to say that I'm pretty damn unimpressed by Apple's own spiel about its browser: "Whether on a Mac, PC, iPhone, or iPod touch, Safari continuously redefines the browser." It does? Seriously? How do people say these things with a straight face? Whether you like the browser or not, it's still a browser. It's not being redefined.

But it's all about comfort, really, when it comes down to it. I don't like the look or feel of Firefox. It's a very personal thing, and it has no bearing on anyone else. I do like the look and feel of IE (7 and 8; I pretend 6 doesn't exist anymore) and Chrome. So, no, to me, because it's entirely subjective, Firefox and Safari are not "better browsers" and I'd like my pet site to stop telling me I'm wrong, because it's childish.

You know what you should really be doing? Patch Adobe Acrobat or Reader if you have it. How many people even heard about the critical security problem that could make you lose control of your system if you even looked at a bad pdf, which can be embedded, so you wouldn't even know it from the URL? I've found (anecdotally) that very few people were aware of this problem. If you opened any strange PDFs in the past few weeks, you might want to run a scan, just in case.
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by Seerow »

Gah I know. If the only thing you are going to do when posting about a new IE update is to mock it, just quit fucking posting them. You don't like IE? Okay fine we get it. But MANY many people do and that's their own decision. I used IE for years and never had any security issues or speed problems with it.

Safari is not a gorgeous browser either, It's very clunky and blocky. I hated Safari with a passion, especially the way it loads pages.

Edit: Ohh, and thanks for that security notice Ty. Hadn't heard of it and though I don't recall opening any suspicious PDFs, I downloaded it anyway.

Edit 2:
I love people XD
Last edited by Seerow on 20 Mar 2009 03:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by Mayhem »

I agree, I'm getting pretty sick of the immature browser war that Keith keeps liking to push.

I'm a die-hard Firefox user, and that's only because it runs the fastest on my computer. I don't even have FF3, I downgraded back to FF2 after a bunch of problems.
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by Kari »

Well, that forums thread was lovely.

I only use FF because I got used to it. I've got FF3 on my PC and FF2 on my Mac (don't like FF3 enough to upgrade when I don't have to). It seems to take up a lot of resources, but I'm not in the mood to learn another browser at this point. Maybe on the next computer.
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by AngharadTy »


D= D= D=

Why would you post that link, Seerow! I read it with my mouth agape. So D= really was the absolute most accurate face I made. I also did =C and then I did some &#$% and *@~!

edit: The blatant misinformation that KEITH posted makes me upset. Either he's lying or he's very misinformed. I would hardly presume to judge which. I could go point by point refuting the entire post, but I think my blood pressure is quite high enough for today. *mutters*
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by Seerow »

I wish I could downgrade back to FF2 on the mac side of my comp. I hate the way it was made to resemble Safari. But when I tried I kept getting weird errors and eventually just settled for having crappy looking FF3 instead.
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by Jessi »

Well, you know, it's impossible to say ANYTHING bad about Keith et al on Subeta :P If Keith had posted a newspost saying "All of the users on Subeta suck ass" and Seerow had posted about it, everyone would STILL be telling her she fails and Keith's right e_e

I use Firefox... because I like it. That's it. I like the way it looks and the way it works, and I started using it for tabs before IE had tabs. That's all there is to it. It just seems silly to me that Keith starts off with a NICE post telling users IE 8 is out and can't resist a jab at the end. It just kind of shows off Subeta's immaturity.
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by Joey »

I used to hate on IE too. WHEN I WAS 12. I've long since grown up, and I wish Subeta would do the same.
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by Huggles »

People still care about what browser you use, really? I mean, aside from the obvious of wanting to make sure your website works for someone or that profile you made them looks ok, people still care enough to make pissy comments at someone for their browser choice? Is the PC vs Mac war still going on outside of those two guys on Apple's commercials? I like the people who said that they know nothing about browsers, but if they did they'd bash IE too. I lolled. Really, I have only ever had a single virus on my computer, it was completely my fault, and it was because I let my mom use my computer unsupervised. I can't even remember if it was FF or IE, but she got the I Love You virus from the 200+ forwards she gets from her friends which are mostly spam with attachments she opens. Other than that, there has been zilch between both IE and Firefox over the years. If you're constantly getting viruses and spyware, you simply don't understand how to use the internet yet. That's ignorance, not stupidity...hopefully, and ignorance can be remedied.
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

There are things I like about IE8 and things I hate about it (mostly Neo-stuff and a few other places that don't jive with the coding). I've had it for about a month now, and I'm considering a "downgrade" until things work the way I want with it.
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by AngharadTy »

I couldn't get the Subeta wardrobe to work in IE8 for a minute, until I realized I could press that little compatibility-mode button.

Subeta is the only site I ever have problems with in IE (but I don't play Neo anymore). I do not think that this is a coincidence.

The official release of IE8 only happened today, Fjorab, so it might be worth checking to see if it helps with any of the problems you've noticed. Just download it via =)
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Oh wow, the irony. The download page doesn't even work in the one I have. *tries in Firefox*
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by AngharadTy »

I went back to that horrible thread and all I can say is that people who don't know the facts and don't care, or people who deliberately misuse facts, are exactly the same at heart as the fundamentalist creationists who put out productions like Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed and There's even a perfect equivalent to "well then you'll just go to hell," and that's "well then you'll get a bunch of viruses and your computer will explode."

I don't know how I get sucked into caring about these things, but the basis is that I hate ignorance. If you want to make a reasoned point, do so, but to blindly repeat the party line and say things that are blatantly untrue (whether you know it to be untrue or not) makes me feel ill.

I can't even describe how many times I've seen some moron bring up the "Little Grand Canyon" off Mt. St. Helens and think that proves anything other than that volcanoes are badass. IE7 had a hole that was fixed within days! I fail to see how that proves anything other than that the coders took care of a problem. Not every problem is fixed overnight. For any program. Even Firefox. And Microsoft issued releases warning people of the problem before it was fixed. How much more responsible can you get? I guess you could be psychic... that'd be an improvement.

Look up news reports on PwnToOwn 2009--Safari went down first. But that's really only because the MacBook is the most expensive prize, so people would go after it first. Firefox and IE8 also went down. Because NO browser is perfectly secure, and trying to pretend that FF and Safari are ever-so-safe is disingenuous at best and a dangerous mindset at worst.
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Still buggered, no improvement that I can tell. Maybe the Neopet customization/NCMall thing works better than it did with the "unofficial" IE8 release, if it's actually different. But that's always been chunky on IE.
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Re: Sniping at browsers again? Really?

Post by Huggles »

The Neopets mall and new neohomes have been horrid on every browser I've tried, including Firefox.
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