a second protest against checkers' behaviour

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Post by FourEyes »

EofS wrote:Technically, yes, you could ignore this topic. But you lose the chance to defend yourself and you lose the chance to find out what you are doing which is problematic. And it doesn't speak highly about your regard for the community if you do not participate in a discussion of your future in it.
I agree. If you follow this topic, you could discuss your behaviour and the like. I think the main problem here is that Checkers is sometimes misinterpreted, which leads people to reply in hostile manners, which leads Checkers to misinterpret those replies further. So... a lack of communication, if you'd like to call it that.
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Post by checkers »

FourEyes wrote:
EofS wrote:Technically, yes, you could ignore this topic. But you lose the chance to defend yourself and you lose the chance to find out what you are doing which is problematic. And it doesn't speak highly about your regard for the community if you do not participate in a discussion of your future in it.
I agree. If you follow this topic, you could discuss your behaviour and the like. I think the main problem here is that Checkers is sometimes misinterpreted, which leads people to reply in hostile manners, which leads Checkers to misinterpret those replies further. So... a lack of communication, if you'd like to call it that.
Yes, like the argument between me and Ty, I simply missed out a commar and she misread my post therefore replying with a post that made me read her post, which then caused the fight as her post made me feel dumb.

I am following this topic, and I hope by the end of it that it all blows over and try out, but for now it's unpredictable as Huggles, Kamil and others haven't posted and who knows what'll happen after their posts as some may just bring up fights or discussions that've been solved, and reopen anger (like on the old topic). ;-;
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Post by FourEyes »

You shouldn't JUST follow it, you should also try to improve your behaviour further. =P Trust me, if this was happening in another forum I'm on, uh... Let's just say people wouldn't be this nice to you at all.
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Post by checkers »

FourEyes wrote:You shouldn't JUST follow it, you should also try to improve your behaviour further. =P Trust me, if this was happening in another forum I'm on, uh... Let's just say people wouldn't be this nice to you at all.
I'm only signed up on Neocolours and The-Leaky-Cauldron, and on the leaky cauldron I'm good as gold, seriously. o_o; Neocolours has some members that I do not get along with so well, and then either me or the member(s) make digs at one another and it leads to fights.
Remember, If I am in an argument, there is always someone on the end. (Litterally, someone will have to be on the end of the argument or the argument wouldn't have started) xD so..really I'm not 100% all the fights, just...55% maybe x.x
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Post by dandelions »

Except the fact that it's you in the middle of all the fights might say something, perhaps? I agree that there are always two people in an argument, but when one of them's always the same it's a little illuminating, to say the least.

I am also curious how you act towards the mods on the Leaky Cauldron. I doubt they would put up with some of the things you've said to us.
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Post by Iggy »

Checkers, anyone that has been here can confirm it; I have been a serious asshole in the past. And damn, I have 17-18-19. Not twelve.

Figment, as perhaps several other members wanted me BANNED, but this never occured. I left for several months and came back, a little over a year ago.

I tried to improve my behavior towards others and I believe it was a complete success. Or almost =)

Now is not too late to change your ways, trust me.
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Post by DamionDarkheart »

On a forum with maybe 40 active active members, causing even 55% (I think it's much more than that) of all the fights is far too many.

If I were to run the forum, you would have been banned a long time ago. I really don't understand why you've been given chance after chance after chance when clearly your behavior hasn't been improving. It takes some nerve to ask for someone else's job back.

And personally, I think all your 'sorries' have been incredibly sarcastic. Specifically the 'really REALLY sorry' with the aformentioned job bullshit.

I could also go into how you butcher the English language, but that's another rant for another day.
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Post by adi_gallia »

checkers wrote:Well, I'm pretty much alone now Trick and Adi_Gallia were the only two sticking up for me in the past, now tricks gone and Adi_Gallia's said his bit, and it hasn't made much of a difference (thanks by the way :3)
Don't bother trying to start to rely on me to stick up for you (formerly Trick as well). You also need to fight your own battles and defend yourself if you think the people here are wrong.

I simply posted about the posts I disagree with, there were some that I agree you behaved wrongly in, if you feel you are being wrongly accused of things you should stick up for yourself, rather than hiding behind people

Maybe you could just admit that you have been wrong in these posts and actually make an effort into improving, so you act more like you apparently do on the Leaky Cauldron.

My only complaint about this forum is I feel it is a bit cliquey. I have been here for close to a year and yet I feel no one here knows me or wants to. It's quite hard to come in as someone who wasn't here from the old forums and try to integrate with the group. I'm sure that other newer members may disagree with me, so maybe it's just that I'm someone that isn't very likeable. I often feel like an outsider here because I wasn't in the orginal crowd.

Anyway, that last paragraph is nothing to do with this post, just a personal rant that is probably a view only seen by me.
DamionDarkheart wrote:I could also go into how you butcher the English language, but that's another rant for another day.
That's probably just because he is very careless at spelling / doesn't know how to spell and doesn't really know how to punctuate. It bugs me too. "havnt" bugs me the most.

I am the same. Well actually I was always very good at spelling. I just couldn't put sentences together or punctuate them. I hope I'm better now, I got two Bs in GCSE language and literature xD.
Last edited by adi_gallia on 24 Jun 2007 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bacon »

You have to also realize that "The Leaky Cauldron" is much n00bier than here. Here people are expected to be mature, while on TLC, you just have to be really into Harry Potter!
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Post by Illuen »

I want to preface this by saying that I have no personal vendetta against you, Checkers. Nothing I say in this is meant to be a personal attack, and I offend you, I am truly sorry.

I agree wholeheartedly with Daisy in believing that Checker's behavior has not only not improved, but that it has steadily gotten worse. Personally, I was shocked by some of the actions mentioned in this thread (asking for someone's job back; the posting of someone's art without A) express permission of the artist and B) proper recognition for and links back to the artist in question) and I think that those on their own merit action taken. When you factor in the rudeness twords people that can be seen in some of checkers posts, and what I see as a flippant disregard of the rules of the forum and requests made by moderators and admins, I definitely think that there need to be some serious consequences presented. From the way I've seen things play out, being nice and trying to remind Checkers of the rules does not work, and as such, there need to be some form of deterrent to his actions.

MRBboy2005 wrote:I agree he can be quite annoying, but can't he read this?
Neocolours has always had public discussions when a member has become out of control, so to speak, and I think it is one of the many positive aspects of this forum that makes it preferable to others. This isn't meant to be harassment, or a witch hunt, or anything of that sort, but rather it is meant to be a way for members of the community to express and discuss the behaviors which are causing strife to the community, and for the same members to help be part of the solution, to help make this community be the way we want it to be.

Also, I have to ask people, though I'm not a mod, to please not harass or insult Checkers. I honestly feel that the evidence speaks for itself, and to be disrespectful only hurts the argument of the people preforming the rudeness.
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Post by bonecrivain »

In the previous topic, I said this:
There's no need to even talk of banning right now. We have plenty of forum members who started out close to the spamming end of things, but after they settled down into the community and realized that the tone of Neocolours is a rather more mature one, they fit in well. I have no reason to think that you cannot do the same.

If you literally think that you cannot control the output and content of your posts, Checkers, then I don't know what to tell you. I do know that if you simply keep your temper in check and only post here when you have relevant things to say, in a few months' time this thread will be almost forgotten.
When I posted that, I had few issues with checkers, and I genuinely believed that others were overreacting a little and that he would settle into the community soon enough. Obviously, that thread has not been forgotten, and my opinion of him has swung around drastically.

I am, quite frankly, tired of dealing with checkers's inappropriate behavior. As a forum member, I am sometimes annoyed by him; as a mod, I have completely lost patience. I'm thankful to say that I haven't had to do a lot as a mod, other than to delete spam, split long topics, and occasionally move a topic to the correct forum. When I do take modly action and warn/reprimand/advise a member of NC in public or via PM, that member ordinarily understands what he/she has done wrong and amends the untoward behavior. We are a mature community, and I love that about NC.

I genuinely don't know if checkers has the capacity to understand when he does something wrong. He has no respect for authority--I believe either in "real life" or on the Internet. His post on page 21 of RL Achievements and ToW demonstrates that, I think:
Achievement: I stuck up to my maths teacher. After weeks of her being a bitch I finally told her to shut up and do her job.
When several others commented on this being a rather rude and odd response to a teacher, checkers did not seem to comprehend that he might have possibly done something he shouldn't.

I bring this up, because I've witnessed the same attitude towards every single moderator (and administrator) on this forum. I admit that several of us have begun to lose our patience with him publicly, and perhaps we shouldn't. But, as Figment said, it is incredibly difficult to remain polite when addressing someone who has consistently shown a blatant lack of respect for those of us whom you placed into authority on this forum.

He does not listen to us and has recently said in a PM to me that he will not listen. I've been polite. I've believed in his ability to change and adapt. I no longer believe that checkers has the capacity to fit in here.

Three months ago, we gave him a chance to change his behavior. I do not see a change. Perhaps he is slightly less caustic in his comments/arguments now, but every single behavior referenced in the previous post (pointed out by various forum members) has continued in some form, despite frequent attempts by moderators to explain to him why what he is doing is unacceptable.

NOTE: For what it's worth, Adi, I like you. The "clique" subject is a bit off-topic, but I do agree that some of that exists. There are several reasons for that, I think: some of us have been on NC for years. I joined NC when I was a sophomore in college. That was...5 years ago? Maybe a little over that. So the folks who have been here from the very early roots have had a lot of time to get to know each other. Also, group chats on MSN and the like have encouraged certain groups of people to befriend each other. (Perhaps that will change some now that there's a forum chat room.) Anyway, off topic...if you (or anyone else) want to discuss this further, it should probably be split from this discussion. (I apologize for my own little tangent.)
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Post by Jessi »

I am not trying to flame, so if I come across that way, I apologize - that's not my intention.

I am rather disgusted with the lack of respect shown the moderators here - without them, there wouldn't BE a functioning Neocolours. Or perhaps there would, but it would be overrun with spam, with people posting off topic, with idiots trying to steal passwords or being rude to each other. Total anarchy. The members make the community, but the mods keep it together peacefully.

Checkers is constantly going against the mods. He shows them no respect, and it bothers me. I understand that we all make mistakes posting sometimes and the mods have to tell us otherwise, but usually once is all you need to hear. How many times does someone have to be told to stop back-seat modding before they do? How many times does someone have to be told to stay on topic before they take a hint? How many times do you have to be told to respect the moderators before you finally realize that without them, a LOT of us wouldn't be posting here?

The fact that some members of this community are frequenting here less because of Checkers, are avoiding certain topics or sections because of it, or are just ignoring Neocolours all together because of ONE USER tells me something is wrong.

Yes, there are two sides to every argument - but when one side is always the same, you need to start questioning if it's ever going to get any better.

Personally, I feel things have gotten worse. I find myself biting my tongue not to say anything. I find myself wanting to be up in arms over the treatment to the mods and admins here - who go out of their way for ALL of us so much.

The lack of respect to the ENTIRE community is beyond me. Respect is something you have to earn. I think every mod here has certainly earned that respect, but Checkers is not doing much to earn any for himself. Obeying the mods would be a good start, and respecting the community as a WHOLE would be a great continuation of that.
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Post by Bacon »

I seriously believe checker's behavior will never change. Why? Because of how he entered this topic. He's not saying "Hey, I can see I've been bad. Let me fix it." Instead, we're hearing "But, I'm not ALWAYS bad. You guys just all hate me!" Honestly, if checkers changed, I'd enjoy him a lot more. I used to be really annoying, and I know mods are a little fed up with me sometimes, but at least I know what I'm doing wrong.
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Post by Ierosbats »

Temporarily ignoring the fact that for months he has been rude and disrespectful to every single mod and administrator repeatedly, the giant list of posting issues, and all of the other extremely valid issues brought up in this topic (and the fact that he's blatantly ignoring them), I think what irritates me most about Checkers is that he still has the audacity to claim he's "as good as gold" on another forum.

So what? What does it matter to us that you behave well somewhere else? If you can do it there, why the hell can't you do it here? I don't know if you were trying to say that you think we're too critical of your behavior or what, but hell, I don't know what you're trying to say most of the time.

Speaking of which, taking the time to quickly glance over your spelling and grammar goes a long way. Most of the time, I feel like you aren't even putting any effort into your posts, which isn't the way to be portraying yourself. You can't just expect people to take the time to interpret each and every one of your posts, simply because you can't be bothered to proofread them yourself (especially when, in places like the Subeta AaToW thread, they're hardly worth reading anyway.) I realize you're young, but as has been mentioned, many of our respected members joined at a young age and have fit in just fine, simply because they put in the effort. We also have a fair few people who struggle with spelling and the like, myself included. It's all about effort and having the right attitude. Refusing to not only try to change, but to try at all certainly isn't the right attitude.

Like Figment said, banning is harsh and should really only be treated as a last resort, but... it isn't as if other methods haven't been tried. And tried. And tried. And tried.
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Post by Iggy »

Ierosbats wrote:We also have a fair few people who struggle with spelling and the like, myself included.
Same here. Grammar is one of my weak points.

I need to understand clearly what I read, because of my curious nature, but also because english is NOT my first lenguage.

I understand that not everyone is a spelling bee champion, but I seem to skip over horrible written posts.

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