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Post by lynmar »

i know, i've been mostly a lurker for a lonnng time, but i thought i would make up a fun topic to talk about, piercings. what kinds do you have/ want and stories about them. i enjoy talking about them a lot. :P

currently, i have my ears and eyebrow. ears are no big deal, got them done when i was around six, they closed up because i was afraid to put earrings in them, then i redid them myself one night last year.

i really like my eyebrow piercing because there's only about three people in my school that have them, one including myself and one being one of my best guy friends. it was really hard to get it at first because i forgot id, and then the next few places i went to were all shady, and people thought i was chickening out when i'd come to school without a new piercing. but i was so happy when i finally got it done. it didn't hurt at all, just a little pinch, all the worrying for nothing! of course i'm always worrying it's rejecting, but hey. people are always asking if it hurts, sometimes that question drives me insane, it's the most least painful piercing, i've heard.

as for piercing wanted, i'm dying for a lip piercing as my next one. i actually sat in my room the other night and did it, of course the needle was too thin and i kept losing the hole inside my lip, so that was a big fat fail. all i have left from that is a little scab below my lip and a bump in my lip. dandy. i also want to do more piercings on my lobes, and cartilage, maybe even do an industrial. i'm kind of off and on about tongue, i think the piercer would hit a nerve and that wouldn't be too good.

what about you guys? what type of piercings do you have/want?
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Wingsrising »

I have my ears peirced. Once. I got them done when I was in college.

In my ears I wear a pair of titanuim studs. I almost never actually change the earrings (really, I'll easily go for 6 months to a year without ever changing them, until the various holiday parties roll around again and I dress up) so really, in retrospect I'm not sure why I bothered. But, it seemed like the thing to do at the time.

I wore blue titanium studs last year, but during the brief time I had them out I managed to misplace one. So now I have unanodized titanium studs. I've since found the other blue one. Maybe I should change back. But, that would be work.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Griffin »

I have only my left ear pierced. I had both ears done at first, but I had trouble getting the studs back in after removing them (with pliers- they were impossible to pull apart by hand), and the right side pretty much closed up overnight. I don't plan to get it repierced, nor to make any other holes in my body. I wear a plain gold or silver ring all the time.

Is it having only your right ear or your left ear pierced that's supposed to signify you're gay? Maybe that's why men never talk to me. :l
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Re: Piercings.

Post by AngharadTy »

Cyro--I think it depends where you are. On the West Coast, I learned "right is wrong and left is right." So, right = gay. But apparently, it's different on the East Coast. I don't know for sure, as I've never been there. ;P

I have both ears pierced twice, and also the right one up in the cartilage. I used to have my navel pierced, but it go angry at me during a geology field trip, and now I just have a sad little dent there. I also had my tongue pierced for several years, and I intend to get it re-pierced, probably after a dental visit one of these days. That's my favorite piercing. I wish I could get my eyebrow pierced, but I wear glasses too much; I would also love to get more facial piercings (one of the lip ones, or the paired cheeks, haha) but, sadly, I don't think it suits my facial structure.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Twofold Black »

AngharadTy wrote:Cyro--I think it depends where you are. On the West Coast, I learned "right is wrong and left is right." So, right = gay. But apparently, it's different on the East Coast. I don't know for sure, as I've never been there. ;P
I live on the East Coast and I'm queer as hell and I wear only one earring, yet I have no idea. (I also don't remember the hanky code.) The earring I wear, I wear for medical reasons; my ears were pierced when I was very young and the holes are not apparently ever going to close, but the one in my right ear tends to get infected and gross if I don't have a hoop through it to assist drainage. You can't really see it now that my dreadlocks are down to my chin, anyway.

I have entertained thoughts of getting a second set of holes in my ears, an industrial, and/or an eyebrow piercing, but I know I wouldn't get a lot of mileage out of them. Surface piercings fascinate me, but given how readily I keloid, I'll never get one.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Jessi »

I have my lobes pierced on both ears, and a second lobe piercing but I haven't worn earrings in it in -ages-, so I have no idea if they're still open. I also have my.. pseudo-cartilage pierced... I have a gauge earring in the middle of my lobe on both ears. Not quite the bottom lobe, but not quite cartilage. Yet.

I have my tongue pierced as well, which didn't hurt in the least, but as I'm terrified of needles, it made me incredibly dizzy, and I had to lay down at the piercing shop to keep from passing out. The worst part about getting your tongue pierced is the clamp they use on your tongue, rather than the piercing itself xD I love having my tongue pierced, though. I play with it all the time. Also, *insert random inappropriate comments about FMD here*

Have a random picture of me about an hour after I got my tongue pierced! Ignore my hair!


My absolute favorite of my piercings, however, is my conch piercing, which I have on my right side (and yes, I did right following that good ol' right-is-wrong/left-is-right thing xD). If you don't know, a conch piercing is one that... well, it's hard to explain. It basically goes through the inside of your ear and wraps around behind. To show, here's a really old picture I took of mine, right after I got it pierced, which is why the inside of my ear is so red:


Oh yay, you can see what I was talking about with my not-quite-cartilage-not-quite-lobe piercing here too xD I no longer have my top cartilage piercing though T_T Boo. But either way, I love my conch piercing. It is awesome, it didn't hurt at all, and I just... yeah, I just love it xD *hugs it* I would love to get the other ear done someday...

ETA: A quick playtime with earrings shows that my second lobe piercing is indeed still open. Now I want more earrings...
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Joey »

I've got three, one in each lobe and a cartilage on my left. I just keep rings in all three cause studs get caught in my hair and drive me nuts. I hope to get more once I can work up the courage to find a good piercing place. I got my one cartilage at Claires and it hurt like hell until I finally got some advice to get a ring in it instead of a stud, so I want to do it right next time.

If I'm feeling up to it, I have a cute pair of pumpkin earrings I'll wear around this time of year ^-^

I never knew what the code was or whatever, I just tend to sleep on my right side so it's more comfortable to have more piercings on the left.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Helmcargh »

I have my ears pierced (once in each lobe) which I had done on my 7th birthday. I don't remember it hurting at all but I do remember being shocked by the sight of the big needle. I don't wear anything in them much but I put something through them every now and again to stop them from closing. I mostly don't wear anything in them because I wear glasses almost all the time and wearing glasses+earrings makes me feel over accessorised.

At Schoolies at the end of Grade 12 I got my nose pierced. It's on the right side and some people do ask me if it's the gay/straight side but I've never known or cared. I love having my nose pierced even though I regularly lose the stud and have to buy a new one. It's currently a little gold star.

Also, what is an 'industrial' piercing? Is it like a plug?
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Re: Piercings.

Post by tallan »

I have eight ear piercings (four in right lobe, three in left + cartilage), one lip and one navel. I wear a barbell in my navel and captive bead rings in my lip and all but three lobe holes (they're saved for dangly things).

Got my ears pierced the first time when I was 7-8, then kept getting more every now and then. Got my lip pierced when I was 17, and my navel when I was 18. Nothing since then (I'm 22), and I MISS IT.

I want to get a tragus and maybe an industrial, then I'll have to move over to tattoos for kicks since I don't think more facial piercings would fit me (and most other body parts fit for permanent piercings are stuff I'd like to keep free from holes). I'd really like to have a multi-navel (like this), but the one piercing I have there took forever to heal, and I'm a bit nervous about the whole rejection risk, so I think I'll pass on that one.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Charlie »

I have one in each ear, belly button and tongue pierced - although might have to take the tongue one out once i graduate and start work... would like to get the top of my ear done as well - but haven't gotten round to it
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Spivsy »

I've never really given piercings any thought, if I got in an accident with some darts in a needle factory that all aimed at piercable body parts, then so be it. But I wouldn't go out and have it done.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by AngharadTy »

Charlie--why take out the tongue one? It's one of the easiest piercings to hide, really. Everyone was always very surprised that I had mine done, if I did something silly like stick my tongue out at them. ^_~ It's not like blue hair; most businesses don't notice enough to care.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Cheese »

I don't like piercings. On most girls they just look ugly anywhere other than ear lobes.

Those tiny little ones people get in their upper lip that just look like you've got some glitter stuck to your face, those are worst.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by lynmar »

on the subject of which side to pierce things...

my eyebrow is pierced on the left side, and when i came into school with it, my friend josh kept saying that it was "the lesbian side". (but i'm straight.) i pierced it on the left because i have a cowlick on the right side of my bangs, so my hair covers up my right eyebrow, which would mean no one would ever have seen the piercing. but now i have shorter bangs, so it doesn't matter most days...depending on how i style my hair.

both my ears are pierced obviously, but i lost on of my earrings so i have none in right now.

when i get my lip pierced, i have to do it on the left side, because i have a bunch of scar tissue on my right side, because in 4th grade i kept biting my lip when it was numb...was not pretty at all. but same friend josh said it hurts less to pierce through scar tissue...i feel like that is a big fat lie.

but then i'd have to even out the piercings on my face and do the right side of my nose. ;]
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Twofold Black »

Cheese wrote:Those tiny little ones people get in their upper lip that just look like you've got some glitter stuck to your face, those are worst.
Those drive me nuts. I'm not crazy about piercings in that particular location, but I see people with jewelry like that in their nostrils too, and it triggers my 'hold still, there's something on your face' impulse just as hard.
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