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Post by uberstav »

I was trying to get enough nps to buy this ice draik egg from this really friendly person and I told him I just had to sell a few more items to get enough....well after a week of trying to sell my items I told him I didn't think I was going to get enough and that he should look to sell his egg and I made sure to thank him for all he he helped me out bumping my trade boards and such. So today I looked at his trades and saw his ice draik egg was gone and I assumed he sold it as I assumed people were neomailing offers just like me and after I told him not to reserve it for me he listened and sold it to someone else. Turns out I was wrong....he put it in his SDB for me and was holding it.

So today I got really lucky and sold my items to make enough and I saw this girl had an egg on the tp for 2m less than what he had offered me....and I thought it was my lucky day cause ice draik eggs are rare and they don't come up on the tp very often so I was need to bid fast on hers cause it will sell just like the guy Im talking about. So I bid on hers and she accepted. Then the guy comes on and tells me he saw I sold my plushie, and I was like...and I see you sold your egg too congrats! Then he tells me he didnt sell it...and I told him how I thought he sold it after I told him not to hold it for me....and so he yelled at me for a while...then blocked me....then made a board talking crap about how I'm awful and betrayed him after all he did for me. So I feel like crap and I would have bought from him but it was my mistake to assume he sold it. So this is the biggest achievement and biggest woe I think I've ever had. Sigh :(
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Post by bonecrivain »

Hey, you didn't ask him to hold it for you. You even specifically told him to go ahead and sell it, because it was going to take you a while to make enough NP to buy it. If he'd then decided to continue holding it for you, he should have told you that he was doing that. It's not your responsibility to be a mind-reader.

So his loss, your gain--you have 2 million more than you'd expected, and an ice draik! That's pretty exciting.
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Post by TCStarwind »

I agree with Bon. It's his fault that he's out a buyer because he can't communicate, but I can also understand feeling guilty because of it (I probably would be too). XD
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Post by Madge »

I also agree with Bon. If it was a small amount, say less than 500k difference, I would think you owed it to the guy; but 2 mill, that's a heckload of np you're saving.

Anyway, you told him to sell the damn thing, and he can sell it any time he likes.

But at the end of the day, your reputation on neopets isn't especially easy to make without being a huge heavyweight; he's not going to post it every hour on every neoboard for the rest of his life, so at most you would be out of comission, status/popularity wise, for like a week.
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Post by covet »

Dude, hardxcore traders on neopets are scary people. Not all, but a good proportion of the ones I've dealt with can switch from nice as pie to pushy and aggressive at the drop of a hat - usually a hat full of NP.

If the guy was being great to you, bumping your boards etc, I suspect he knew he was getting a good deal. Now he's annoyed because you're the one who got the good deal instead. He hasn't lost anything, and he'll find someone else to sell to. Like you say, the eggs are quite rare.

I don't blame him for being frustrated after missing out on a sale, but you did nothing wrong.

Him making a board talking crap about you is, however, harrassment, and reportable.

So congrats on your ice draik! How much are those things going for, anyway?
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Post by Larkspurlane »

If the guy was being great to you, bumping your boards etc, I suspect he knew he was getting a good deal. Now he's annoyed because you're the one who got the good deal instead. He hasn't lost anything, and he'll find someone else to sell to.
My thoughts exactly. I'm guessing he's not so much pissed off at you "betraying" him but rather at loosing a nice profit after he'd built up the anticipation of $$ over the days of watching you sell your stuff for him.

It's beyond immature of him to have made a board bitching about it & also a stupid risk to his account, because you'd be well within your rights to report him. I can't believe he even chewed you out by NM. LAME! You should be the one blocking *him*.

But hay, now you have an ice draik egg and 2m more in your bank account, and that's a good place to be :D
Thank you for the av and sig set!
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Post by Cranberry »

He's just pissed because he didn't get to rip you off. He wouldn't have been trying so damn hard to sell the thing to you if his price was a good deal. If these things are as rare as you say (they're the only way to get an ice draik aside from zapping, correct?), he should be able to sell it to someone else -- it's not like he lost his only chance to unload the thing. His tantrum is ridiculous. Screw him.

(The only thing I might have done differently is ask him if he still had the egg, tell him someone else offered to sell you one for 2 mil cheaper, and see if he'd give you an even better deal on his. ;))
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