Annual New Year's Goals!

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Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Cranberry »

Wingsrising posted last year's thread on December 27th. Here we are, a year later -- have last year's posters achieved their goals?

Last year, I said:
Well, I bought the PCC, and I have enough NP for the Gshield and Tabard but haven't bought them yet -- I'm not sure if I still want to get into two-player. If I do, I'll get the new Glittery Faerie Dust instead of the cooking pot. If I decide to stay with one-player only... I dunno, maybe a Leaded Elemental Vial.
I decided to stick with one-player battling (although I picked up a Faerie Tabard anyway), but I still haven't gotten the LEV. I have enough NP for it, but buying is a hassle because of the stupidity of Neo's trade and auction systems. I'll make it my 2009 goal to actually buy the thing!
I should train Alaska some more, maybe to the 300 or 350 boosts, and maybe try to get some more avatars.
Well, the avatars didn't happen, heh, but that's mostly TNT's fault -- I think they've forgotten all about them! I haven't trained Alaska much more, either. I'm going to make it a goal this year to get him up to at least 450 strength and defence, maybe higher.

Edit: I have decided to power level him to 250 (he's at 154 now) and then train everything else up using the ninja training school -- should save me some time. I'll let you know how it went at the end of 2009! ;)

So what are your goals for 2009?
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Michelle »

Great thread Cranberry! :)
Maybe once I'll make my goals public I'll get off my bum and start working on them!
My goals are to:

Attain all my dream pets (shadow xwee, fire kougra, royalgirl, and maraquan shoyru)
Save up enough for the adam avatar
Petpets, customisation for all pets
Petpages for all pets
and my first BC trophy

Whew whata mouthful!
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by mellaka »

Ooh, I had forgotten about this. I'm glad I posted even though I was a little reluctant to since I was still pretty new to the forum.

I said:
train/kq my battle pet to at least the 400 boosts (he's just over the 300s right now). possibly get to ninja school.
I got him to the 550 boosts, and the Ninja School, so yay.
buy a gbomb soon; maybe also a gshield.
Check and check; also added a PCC to my set and upgraded my freezer from H4K to FPot.
expand my shop at least 100 sizes (size 256 currently, i believe).
Size 588 now, so accomplished that too (though I had to sell my Candychan Stamp to accomplish this goal and the previous one).
start some fun, neo-legal stuff for my guild.
Eh, not sure - we did Olympics this summer but participation was down, probably because we can no longer offer prizes. And I also cancelled Secret Santa this year.
re-paint my kougra halloween (he's currently ghost after being boochi'd 3 times) or maybe make him a krawk. i also need to decide whether i want to keep my battle pet a mutant draik or maybe make him the krawk instead. i really wish i didn't have to worry about boochi when deciding what i want my pets to be.
I did not paint my Kougra Halloween and would still like to do that some day. I did, however, adopt a Krawk thanks to a nice person here, so the rest of the goal is irrelevant now.

I'll have to think on 2009 a bit.

Edit: OK, thought of some goals:
-700 boosts for zuriika
-at least 3 mil in the bank (I would like to say 5 mil but since I can't seem to get over 1 mil lately, I don't know how realistic that would be) also because ...
-get a BoHD
-at least submit a comic or two to the Neopian Times, even though I can't draw at all. But I have to start trying for the NT avatar somehow.
-get the Faerie Bubbles avatar and find a new flash game one to start working on
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Jamie »

1. Make my way onto the Unofficial Kadoatery High Score List. I've quit feeding and picked it up again so so many time and right now I just want to make it onto that list. I'm at about 780 right now so I might make it!
Heh, I quit Kad Feeding not long after this. But I'm at 793 feeds right now, so I should probably maybe aim for 800 this year?
2. Morph and paint Mooseum into a Royalboy Kau. I have the Paint Brush waiting in my Gallery... but I've grown attached to it sitting in there. So I may have to buy another one. But I'm stingy with my money, even though I have no real plans for it :/
Done! However... Mooseum was accidentally a girl when I painted her, so now she's a boy dressed as a girl. Hehe
3. Assuming the Pound gets back up, cut back my accounts from five to two. That means cutting 20 pets to 8. I think I can do it, I'm not very attached to many of them anymore sadly.
Done! ... mostly. I only have 8 permanent pets now, I have two lab accounts that I use for half-assed fostering.
4. Get nice petpets for each of my remaining pets.
Mostly done, I got Mooseum a Mortog, Baeya a Bubbles, Lupin a Zebie and Treid a Cofferling. I think I have three permies without one now. So I guess I'll try do that.
5. Work more on the Favourite Things part of my Gallery.
Since then I built it up really nicely, completely demolished it, and rebuilt it again...

So for this year I'll:

1. Get 800 Kad Feeds, for the sake of even numbers.

2. Buy petpets for my last few permies.

3. ... umm... Not let Neopets interfere with University.

Let's see how that goes xD
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Wingsrising »

Yay! New Year's thread!

I didn't have very many goals for last year:
Write up my Neohome for Neohome spotlight. I'll probably keep tweaking it a bit here -- adding expensive knick-knacks I didn't want to buy the first time around or that are newly released -- but major work I think is over for the time being.
Well, I did this... but then Neohomes II came around the pike and permanently dashed my hopes for Neohome spotlight. :-(
Maybe give a few of those flash game avatars a try.
Do *something* big and BD related. I think that means either training up my Eyrie to the 300 boosts or buying a spiffy new BD weapon. Maybe an SoS, if I ever find myself with that much cash. We'll have to see.
Nope. Although I *do* have the cash now to buy the SoS, I just need to work up the nerve. Maybe I need to do that before the new year, then that will be a goal accomplished. :-)
Buy a few more nice wearables to dress my Neopets up in. I'm really hoping TNT comes out with something that suits my Eyrie in the next year... at least a trinket I want to put on her, if they're not good enough to make actual jewelry that doesn't look dumb on Eyries.
I did do that. I've been having quite a bit of fun with wearables this year.
I WAS going to make the NQI avatar a goal for the new year, but probably not if there's been another reset. :-(
Turns out all NQI games are reset after a year. SO not starting this one over again.

Goals for this year:

Well, 300 strength and defense boosts for certain. Maybe 350, now that the price of codestones have plummeted.

Play Keyquest a little. The prizes are nice.

Buy a SoS or other expensive fancy weapon (assuming I don't do it this year).

Maybe try to put together a reasonable Neohome II.

Not all that much, I'm afraid.
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Madge »

Wow, I made 2008 goals. I'm awesome.

Get userlookups finished, maybe submit an engineering-themed one to spotlight
I kept on thinking about it, but I have never really got a chance to start them. It's definitely something I have almost been doing the past few weeks. Anybody know a good lookup petpage?

Buy a nice weapon for Sail/Nouvelle

Train Snowager up so he's level 25 and all his stats are 50 (maybe including speed) so he doesn't have lab-itis anymore
Well, he's level 25, but the rest of him:
Hit Points: 63 / 48
Strength: GREAT (39)
Defence: GREAT (26)
Movement: lightning
I'd been training Sail's Str/Def up to 100 the last few weeks, so there's no reason I can't include Snowager in that action.

Finish Sail's petpage (not gonna happen but a man can dream).
I added a few more chapters to it, which is more than I expected, so I feel accomplished.

Not nearly as extensive as goals other people will have, I'm sure, but god knows I've got enough distractions from study without Neopets.

Next year's goals:

Train Snowager up so he's level 25 and all his stats are 50 (maybe including speed) so he doesn't have lab-itis anymore

Get userlookups finished, with some sort of common theme/style that ties them all together (like my petlookups)

More work on petpages

Finish NQI and NQII on Evil (Evil NQII I'm almost done, up to the faerie thief)

Read Sail the books I have kept in my SDB

Get Sail's stats up to 100, maybe even 125

I'm not ashamed of not achieving a single one of my goals, since this year was so ridiculously busy and had so much stuff in it.
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Kari »

-Get that Darigan PB
I got it, and I painted the pet I wanted

-Get a White Weewoo (that pet looks so empty with no petpet)

-Train Kiki to level 100 and stats to 200
She's level 100, but her highest stat is her HP at 198, followed by strength at 171.

-Have over 2 mil NP in the bank by year's end
At my high point, I had nearly 5 mil. I'm around 3.5 mil now.

So, my new goals are:
-Get that White Weewoo
-Train Kiki's stats to 200
-Get in the gallery spotlight
-Have at least 3.5 mil in the bank by year's end
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Jessi »

I didn't post any goals from last year D: Huh! Well, here are my new goals, hooray!

1) Finish the lookups for all my pets - a silly goal, but a good one, because some of my pets have really been sitting stagnant for a while.

2) Finish my Chokato gallery - which is hard. The only items I need are really expensive, like the chokato TCG card, and a chokato itself, but we'll see how it goes

3) Train Arien's stats decently and buy decent weapons for him. Now that he's done with the lab, I've started putting him in the training school, which i know will get expensive and not very fun xD But it'll be worth it. I need to pick your brain, Cranberry, about good yet affordable weapons xD

I.. don't know what else yet xD My pets are all finished, it's just working on my galleries and training and what not :D
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Seerow »

I really only have one goal: Win the Gallery Spotlight. I used to enter my gallery quite often back before the recode but never won. Its much larger now and soon hopefully will have a snazzy layout. Come on Neo, you know you want to feature a drink gallery!

Other then that I don't really have any other goals. There's some pets I wouldn't mind having, but nothing omgtodiefor! and I'm happy to just lab for them.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by TCStarwind »

I wasn't here last year, so I'll just post goals for this year. XD

1- Get Number Six avatar. I figure I should have enough NP saved by the end of the year, so it's all up to TNT getting the page back up.

2- Use NP from first goal to splurge and get a darigan mynci, pirate xweetok, and (maybe) plushie xweetok, and then hopefully have enough left to continue saving.

3- Zap for a robot kyrii.

And if I have any extra time:

4- Make designs, picture, lookups, and (maybe) petpages for all of my pets.
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Wingsrising »

Actually, I thought of a second goal. A super-ambitious goal. After going for YEARS without sculpting, I really ought to start another project. I have a Neopets-related project in mind... so we'll see.
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Madge »

OK now I have a new goal.

- Bug Wingsrising to make a sculpture so we can view the beauty of her work again.

I somehow can't fathom you could possibly top that Kass sculpture you did, but at the same time, I think it would be awesome if you did.
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Alecko »

Wings (or anybody, really), have you got any pictures of the Kass sculpture?
-Repaint/morph all of my pets. This means turning Iae back to Rainbow, LL to a White Pteri, Ryou to a Mutant Lenny and Zen Faerie.
I painted Iaecko Rainbow courtesy of the random gifter who cropped up earlier in the year. Everyone else is the same as they were.
- Try to complete part one of my gallery (all unpainted bird petpets).
Didn't purchase anything for it all year.
- Enter and place in the Beauty Contest.

2009 Goals:
- Get Packrat avatar (might make this by the New Year with the remaining AC prizes plus equipped/gallery/wearable items that aren't in my SBD at the moment.)
- Get Adam avatar (though this isn't working at the moment? *Looks at TC's post*)
- Assuming the above, paint/morph my pets. Currently this means turning LL into a Shadow Pteri, turning something into a Mutant Lenny, maybe getting a Mutant Eyrie and maybe painting Zen Faerie, depending on how scary the brush prices are.
- Start actively adding to my gallery.
- Enter the Beauty Contest and possibly the Art Gallery.
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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Usul_Princess »

I didn't post any last year either....

1. I need to stop being such a dang tight wad with my NP. There's only so many things you can spend them on if you don't want to paint anymore.

2. Increase all of Rendivir's stats to 150, and make his level/intellegence to a multiple of 75: (Level 75, 600 INT).

3. Try to snipe a Pandaphant off the TP when someone has one for sale for 1 mil again. (I just missed one last week *sadface*, who knows who I'll attach it to though. Everyone has petpetpets.)

4. Buy a SSYT at the end of the year. That'll complete my mid-grade BD set.

5. Make a more respectable looking Usuki gallery. I just scratched my Jhuidah one last week, and am saving the money I made from reselling those items for this "gallery". (I'm making it a complete copy cat of the shop user 'itsmyusuki'. *loves that shop*) Usuki items have gotten so cheap, and now I'm making one because I couldn't afford to make one several years ago.

6. Successfully trade some pet of mine for a UC faerie Aisha. I've given up on darigan. It's too high in demand. Faerie is less common, but whatever.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by uberstav »

Hmm...I never posted any goals last year..but I'll post what I'd like to do next year:

1. Finish my gallery O_O ...I still have like 150 items I need to save up for and actually buy when I have the nps. I'd really like to win gallery spotlight...everyone on the boards tells me I have a really good chance but TNT seems to disagree...I also need to make a layout for my gallery as the old one I had had issues.

2. Rearrange my pets around to be on the appropriate accounts. I wish TNT would allow transferring at a quicker pace....perhaps once a week? PLEASE TNT. haha.

3. Transform Avia into a Faerie Draik (maraquan if I'm lucky)

4. Get petpets and petpetpets for ALL of my pets.

5. I think that's it..haha...although I'm still trying to trade for an UC plushie yurble/kau as those are my two faves....oh and a UC Royalboy we'll see how the year goes I guess..
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