Avatar question

Non-neopets general discussion.

Do you think it's offensive?

Yes, because I don't like rebel flags.
Yes, because I don't like either toads or beer.
No, I don't give a crap about your stupid avatar.
Total votes: 35

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Post by RH »

I think I just needed to vent. Since I've made the site I really haven't given her much thought. But I will remove the link and change the avatar.
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Post by bonecrivain »

Venting is fine--we all do it--but that sort of thing needs to be kept to a personal journal or your friends.

Thanks for removing the link.
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Post by Lolliruss »

To me it sounds as though what she really needs is a friend. From what I can gather she's been through a lot and, although you may find her annoying, probably isn't totally to blame for what she does.

I'm glad you removed the website, but maybe considering even deleting it completely would be a better option. I don't suppose you will, but really, that sort of website is just a cowardly form of bullying. If I were you I wouldn't want to be associated with it.
Dead Webby
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Post by Dead Webby »

Okay, you didn't mean to offend anyone except the girl. And you've taken the link and the av down, which is great (apart from the website still existing), so thank you. I'm not going to go on any more than I already have, and I don't think anyone else should either so I suggest this thread gets locked. Eep, arguements ain't good.
Thanks VanillaCoke for the Set.
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Post by RH »

Lolliruss wrote:To me it sounds as though what she really needs is a friend. From what I can gather she's been through a lot and, although you may find her annoying, probably isn't totally to blame for what she does.

I'm glad you removed the website, but maybe considering even deleting it completely would be a better option. I don't suppose you will, but really, that sort of website is just a cowardly form of bullying. If I were you I wouldn't want to be associated with it.

Um Hello? I was her friend. That's the point, she doesn't care about having friends. All she wants to do is be told how great she is for acting like a slut. Bullying? I'm the one who's the victim here. But hey if you want to go down the same road I did and try to be her friend only to find that she'll sell you down the river in a snap, then by all means ignore my warning.
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Post by bonecrivain »

I highly doubt any of us are ever going to meet her, so we don't really need the warning. Thanks though.
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Post by Float »

We don't know her, none of us is trying to be her friend. Personally I think you made this board to get attention yourself. Which I suppose you got. Yahoo.

And p.s. being so mean to someone is never a good thing. Its called karma.
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Post by RH »

This really did start with the question about my avatar but since I've changed it I see no reason for this thread to keep going.
float wrote:And p.s. being so mean to someone is never a good thing. Its called karma.
Did you ever think that this could be Mary's karma falling back on her?I've already received well over my share of crap from her.

And for the record she was lying about being molested to get attention and she is not more mature than me by anymeans as a matter of fact it's how "Hound Dog" got her name, because Mary would call at all hours of the night playing "you ain't nothing but a hound dog" on her answering machine.
Another thing is I'm not making that stuff up the only thing even close to being made up is the syphilis. I know that she has some STD because she has to go to the ginachologist all the time and she says she can't have children. That's probably another reason it's found offensive, because you think I made up stuff because I was angry, but no it's all true. And Lou the toad flag is gone so I don't care about what anyone thinks about the bunny it's staying.
Last edited by RH on 09 Mar 2006 03:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ziggy »

Lolliruss wrote: I can gather she's been through a lot and, although you may find her annoying, probably isn't totally to blame for what she does.
Just out of interest, who IS to blame for an individual's actions if not the individual themselves? It doesn't matter what someone has 'been through', everyone has been through shit at some point or other, it doesn't mean you're suddenly no longer accountable for your own actions just because you have had a 'rough' life or whatever.
Its a pet hate of mine when people act as if people shouldn't be responsible for their own actions. We all are. There is no demon in our head which controls us and people shouldn't make excuses for other people.
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Post by Lolliruss »

When you put it like that, I don't have an answer. I can't try to argue a point when I'm not really sure why I think that, so I really can't say much more than that.

I suppose that was just how I felt. When I think about it, I see that she and nobody else is responsible for her actions, but my thoughts when reading a lot of that were that her upbringing, things that had happened to her and her surroundings shaped her to be who she is. However, I guess the same can be said of anybody.

I was arguing the same point you were a few days ago, though about genes not what has happened to people. Really, I think you're right, but in some cases such as this one my feelings are different. I don't know why, and in the end what it comes down to is, I suppose, you being right.
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Post by Ziggy »

S'ok, I think I get what you were saying anyway but wanted to make sure :P
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Post by Settingshadow »

Ziggy wrote:
Lolliruss wrote: I can gather she's been through a lot and, although you may find her annoying, probably isn't totally to blame for what she does.
Just out of interest, who IS to blame for an individual's actions if not the individual themselves? It doesn't matter what someone has 'been through', everyone has been through shit at some point or other, it doesn't mean you're suddenly no longer accountable for your own actions just because you have had a 'rough' life or whatever.
Its a pet hate of mine when people act as if people shouldn't be responsible for their own actions. We all are. There is no demon in our head which controls us and people shouldn't make excuses for other people.
I think the sentiment is that someone is responsible for his or her own actions, but when someone has been through a lot it is also partially the responsibility of society at large to try to make sure that the person has help and work through his/her issues.

I mean, obviously I don't think someone off the street should go to someone who's committing a violent crime and be like "Tell me about your mother." But if I have a friend whom I notice is doing something to hurt me, like talking about me behind my back, I'll probably stop being friends with them, but I don't think I've acquitted my responsibility in the situation until I've actually asked them why they're doing what they're doing and if there's anything I could do to help them change.

Just my 3 cents.

And RH -- thank you for taking down the link and the avatar -- they were really upsetting me and I appreciate their absence.
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Post by Jazzy »

Just out of interest, who IS to blame for an individual's actions if not the individual themselves? It doesn't matter what someone has 'been through', everyone has been through shit at some point or other, it doesn't mean you're suddenly no longer accountable for your own actions just because you have had a 'rough' life or whatever.
Its a pet hate of mine when people act as if people shouldn't be responsible for their own actions. We all are. There is no demon in our head which controls us and people shouldn't make excuses for other people.
Logically, one of the few situations in which I can say I think someone else is partly responsible for your subsequent actions is betrayal. A few years ago, an acquaintance of mine sat alongside my friend, who fed me lies over msn and pretended that she was the only one there. Me being the gullible fool that I am, I took the bait and said some things about the acquaintance which she didn't want to hear, and I was given a very hard time for it. Now, I can get very cagey on msn and will often stop talking altogether. I don't like to talk to people I know offline on it anymore. It was my own stupid fault I did it, but I wouldn't be half so cautious anymore if it hadn't been done to me; I'd honestly never expected anyone to do something like that. Conditioning does work- and people can make you lose your trust in them. Past actions do determine how you'll act.
Dead Webby
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Post by Dead Webby »

Jazzy wrote:
Just out of interest, who IS to blame for an individual's actions if not the individual themselves? It doesn't matter what someone has 'been through', everyone has been through shit at some point or other, it doesn't mean you're suddenly no longer accountable for your own actions just because you have had a 'rough' life or whatever.
Its a pet hate of mine when people act as if people shouldn't be responsible for their own actions. We all are. There is no demon in our head which controls us and people shouldn't make excuses for other people.
Logically, one of the few situations in which I can say I think someone else is partly responsible for your subsequent actions is betrayal. A few years ago, an acquaintance of mine sat alongside my friend, who fed me lies over msn and pretended that she was the only one there. Me being the gullible fool that I am, I took the bait and said some things about the acquaintance which she didn't want to hear, and I was given a very hard time for it. Now, I can get very cagey on msn and will often stop talking altogether. I don't like to talk to people I know offline on it anymore. It was my own stupid fault I did it, but I wouldn't be half so cautious anymore if it hadn't been done to me; I'd honestly never expected anyone to do something like that. Conditioning does work- and people can make you lose your trust in them. Past actions do determine how you'll act.
Yeah, that's very true. For instance, one of my old best friends decided it would be fun to create a Burn Book and read bits of it to the rest of us (us being my group of close friends). We finally cracked and sneaked a look at it when she wasn't around, and found that there were several pages of just:

I hate Celia.
I hate Celia.
I hate Celia.

Which was explained by 'I was in a bad mood when I wrote it.'

Since then, I've never trusted her, or most of her friends, but thats okay becuase I'm not bothered about being friends with her anyways.
Thanks VanillaCoke for the Set.
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Post by Lou »

I find it offensive. It sould like, be illegal to give bunnies sharp weapons. You never know what Thumper could get up to after you forgot to give him that carrot!
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