2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

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Joined: 01 Mar 2007 11:41 am

Re: Annual New Year's Goals!

Post by Rah »

Ohh I haven't made goals before :D

1. Get the highest interest rate bank account!
2. Turn Whilbur into a faerie skeith (after bank account is done)
3. Hope for a FFQ so I can get pirate draik clothing
4. Put pets on the accounts their supposed to be on (will mean retiring some lab maps!)
5. Put up little blurbs on the personalities of my pets!
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by mellaka »

Oh, somehow I missed this.

-get zuriika to 1000 hit points (he's somewhere around 830 right now)
Nope. I was well on my way, but got scared of CG-ers and annoyed with high red codie prices over the summer. He's at 941.

-get that BoHD

-at least 5 mil in bank

-at least 300k shares of stocks (I'm down to 274k and was around 285k for the longest time)
Another no; 297k shares as of today. I haven't been selling much lately but I forget to buy.

-stay motivated with malling (I'm in the process of leaving my current mall and joining a new one that I think will be a better fit for me)
Yes and no. I was very excited about joining the mall I talked about, and really liked being a part of it, only to be downsized out of it within 6 months or so. Since then I helped start a brand-new mall with some of the other downsized members (just what Neo needed, right?) and am very happy with it and the members that we have. But, having a new rl puppy this year has taken up a lot of my time and changed my playing habits, and I don't dedicate as much time to my shop as I should.

-get Nimmos Pond & Faerie Bubbles av and stay on top of other new game ones that might be introduced
No, though I think I got a couple non-game new ones that were released.

-maybe submit a comic or two to NT
Been saying this for years, still no.

So, 2011 ...
- get zuriika to 1200 HP
- at least 350k shares of stocks
- add more pages of items to my shop and keep on top of it
- cut back on NC spending (I don't want a lot, but when I do want something, I tend to go overboard trying to get it.)
- submit a NT comic, or maybe try to come up with a feature story
- get Nimmos Pond and Faerie Bubbles avatars
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