Woodland and Eventide Wockies

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Woodland and Eventide Wockies

Post by Kantark »


Eventide is up to the standard but doesn't bring anything new to the existing roster of pets of this colour.

Woodland is a simple idea nicely made - another of the pleasant 'grey' Woodland colours to be added to the silver birch Tonu and the Uni. In fact the base colour is a more convincing silver than the actual Silver Wocky. The purple flowers on the neck ruff and tail are just enough to stop it looking plain, and the grooves on its body give it a nice bark-like texture. Does anyone know what it's based on?
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Re: Woodland and Eventide Wockies

Post by TCStarwind »

This wouldn't be a cherry blossom tree, would it? IDK. It's lovely, though. I really like it, now if only I liked wockies.

Eventide is standard, and quite dull at this point. Also, they've copied and pasted that one cloud couple of times...
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Re: Woodland and Eventide Wockies

Post by redsea_ »

I like wockies, and neither of these really do it for me.

I appreciate the artist's intentions for the Woodland wocky better than his/her execution. I do like the cherry blossom look on Woodland pets, but it's done far better on the Uni. There's something really two dimensional about the way the bark was drawn on the Wocky's face, and the cherry blossom ruff looks too forced or too groomed. I think it would have been better served with a more wild or unkept look like the Uni's mane. Also, do all Woodland pets have shiny eyes like that?

Eventide seems like what I would have expected. Nothing really dazzling, nothing too awful.
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Re: Woodland and Eventide Wockies

Post by Hanabachi »

Somewhat late on this, but I just joined and saw this bit of discussion and wanted to add my two cents! Wockies aren't to my personal tastes, but I rather like how the woodland wocky is done. I don't think it's based off of a cherry blossom tree, however. It looks more like it would be base on a jacaranda tree. It's a nice enough representation if that's the case.
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