Feathercircle's Copywrong Project- Requests Open

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Feathercircle's Copywrong Project- Requests Open

Post by Feathercircle »

Okay, it's probably been so long since I've shown up here even in my classic Eternally-Not-Logged-In state that next to no one here will remember me... but I've found the forums again and I'm back, hopefully for a while. I'm also working on an art thing for my own amusement- and I need your help.

I've been in the mood for doing something artsy lately, but the one idea which I've most been wanting to do requires participation from other people... so for the entire month of December, I'm going to be taking fanart requests.

The trick? I'm asking you guys to request without telling me what character I'm supposed to be drawing. It can be your own character or from a published source, it can be humanoid or not, it can be from a canon I'm familiar with or one I've never heard of... I just can't know for 100% certain who or what it is. You can make your request as long or short as you like, just make sure the description is in your own words and don't include any pictoral references.

Some additional notes:
1. If you're requesting a fannish species, rather than something from mythology or nature (ie, digimon or harry potter beasties or virtual pets or whatnot), don't give the species name, just describe it in other terms. If I know I'm drawing your custom aisha, it's less likely to turn out at all interesting.
2. I suck at robots. If you request a character with robotic parts, I will draw them to the best of my ability, but they'll likely not look terribly great.
3. On a similar note, be aware that if you request a human-faced character, they're almost certain to wind up in anime style. I can draw in varying shades of realism for animal faces, but I'm just prosopagnosic enough to have a hard time making realistic human faces look right.
4. Everything requested will be drawn eventually, but I may work on requests out of order and drawing and uploading them is entirely dependent on what's going on in real life. You may get your picture two days after requesting, or two months.
5. I'm thinking of uploading these pictures to deviantArt as well, since I'm going to be posting this project there too- if for some reason you don't want anyone else to see your pic, let me know in your initial request.
5. No guessing here or at my dA account what someone else's request was. If you think you know, please keep it to yourself until after I'm done.
6. I'd really prefer that you only request characters who have been drawn somewhere else before. Half the fun of this is seeing how close or far from the original this will wind up being.
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Post by Seerow »

Ohh, nifty :D
Okay, here goes. I'm just using a generic char refrence sheet for this.

Name: You can call him Gyer.
Age: Varies. *See below*
Gender: Male
Coloring: Dark grayish-black fur covers most of his low-slung body. Lighter gray is found along his underbelly, lower jaw, and underside of his tail. The inside of his ears are the same shade of gray. A lilac color is found running along his sides, effectively seperating the dark-gray and light-gray parts. The lilac streaks start on his forpaws and travel his sides until reaching his back legs, which are completely lilac. There is NO lilac coloring from his chest upwards. His tail is also done in this fashion, with the lilac stretching along the sides from the base of the tail to the tip, seperating the gray underside and gray-black top. Lilac also makes an appearance on his face slightly. Lilac patches surround each eye and also form a maple leaf-like pattern on his forehead. Black specks are strewn thoughout the lilac along his body. His eyes are a silver-purple.
Build His body is long and low to the ground, suitable for both land and water though he usually remains on land. His legs are rather short and stubby, making him not the most agile nor graceful creature you'll ever meet, though there is a sense of nobility and respect about the way he carries himself. His head is rather on the flatish side with a medium length but narrow muzzle. Rounded ears, medium sized. There are four long, thick claws on each paw, suitable for digging. His tail is rather full and thick, though not poofy, and is bit longer then his body.
Misc.: He is known as a Dusk Mage, so some aspects of the night belong to him. He can control when dawn and dusk fall, though not halt the process completely. Just delay them for a bit. You know the dew that sparkles in the morning? That is his doing as well, collecting the shine from the stars and moving them to the water droplets. One of his most unique aspects is how he ages. His life cycle is directly related to the flow of the moon. When the moon is new, he is young and full of life and boundless energy. However, as the moon starts to age he does as well, until eventually the moon is Full. When that happens, his body is aged and old, slow in moving and his coat is ragged and claws blunt and gnarled. The process repeats with each turn of the moon. Feel free to draw him in whatever "stage" you want.
Accessories He doesn't really have much in the way of accessories, but he is always seen with a gold moon pendant worn around his neck. The typical half moon design. He sometimes carries a gnarled birch branch as a staff, but not always so feel fee to include it or not.

Eh....longer then I intended, but if I left anything out please let me know.
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Post by Jessi »

Oh what the hell, I'm game, and this is a cute idea! It took me a bit to think of an interesting character to draw, but I think I've got it x3 And since Seerow posted such a wonderful 'form' above, I think I'll steal that layout xD Or at least something similar. My character's a human though, so it's not as interesting ;_;

Name: Anji
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Very short and petite, about 5'2" and with a very effeminate appearance - curvy hips, a tad too skinny, very fine features. He has long bangs that have a slight curl to them and gently part around his forehead; the rest of his hair still has that slight curl but tapers down his neck and is not overly long for a boy. His hair is white; his eyes are yellow and framed by thick, black lashes. He often wears very light makeup (eyeshadow, mostly) and looks very serious most of the time except for the... strange, knowing smile he almost always has on his face.
Clothing: Anji's a cross dresser. He likes anything with LOTS of lace, particularly dresses, and usually wears knee-high boots that match. Oftentimes he'll wear a ribbon wrapped around his hair, behind his bangs. He's particularly fond of clothes in soft tans, blues, and pinks. He's also rich, and dresses like he's rich :P Very rich. Wears reading glasses. Looks slightly prissy. And he doesn't look like a girl - he looks like a very pretty boy in girl's clothing :3 Likes parasols. And picnics.
Misc: Anji is a bit of an arrogant, stuck up little bastard, and he usually looks it - like talking to you is a waste of time and breath. He's actually a successful businessman (and he does wear a suit occasionally xD) but when he's not being.. business-y, he's usually shopping at places like Burberry or yelling at his twin brother. He also has a very spoiled black and silver cat.

Wow, that was a long description, I might have made it too easy :P But we'll see, Anji's hair and eyes are the hard part, and the distinct look he usually has xD This'll be interesting, I can't wait to see!
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Post by AngharadTy »

Hehe, that's a really cute idea for a project. And of course I remember you, though it is indeed a little odd to see you logged in. ^_~ What's your dA link? I'd be curious to sign up for your whatchadoodle but I dunno what character, so if I do, it'll be later. Plus I'd not want to overload you; this is such a neat notion that you might get a lot of responses. *laughs*
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Post by Feathercircle »

Thank you for replying, both of you! Seerow, your response was EXACTLY the kind of thing I'm looking for- you've got a lot of detail going without giving anything away... I can come up with a pretty good interpretation of your character from that without being able to tell if they're your own creation or from a preexisting canon or not. Using a pseudonym for your character is also a really great idea for this and I encourage everyone else who gives names to do similarly.

Jessi, yours is really good too, though the Burberry thing would have been too much setting information if it had been from somewhere fictional rather than a real-world store- for example, if someone mentioned buying a dress at Wall Market, that could tip me off that I'm drawing an FF7 character, and that could give it away before I even start drawing. Nothing's wrong with your profile (or Seerow's), I just wanted to post to let you know I've seen your requests and to clarify what kind of information I am and am not looking for with this.

Huggles, I'm at phanaton.deviantart.com, but I don't really have much uploaded right now for various reasons. I've also got some old drawn-by-mouse adoptables up on Shemeshka's petpage on Neopets (and I can't add more because I can't remember what I put for the birthday on that account!). Sorry for being rather unprolific... I hope it's not an issue for anyone that I don't have much art visible online right now.

Finally, I'd like to reiterate in case I was ambiguous in my first post that while I'd love to "blind draw" everyone's original characters like this, I'd also love to draw your favorite book/game/TV characters, too. Ideally, I'm hoping to get a mixture of both.
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Post by Illuen »


Ok, so I'll actually go for this, because I love your style. My person is a human. He is early 20s, slightly chubby (although, not chubby as in large, but more baby fat type deal), japanese with glasses. He is a superhero, he can stop time/travel in time. He is the type of person that dreams of being a superhero, a gigantic nerd/otaku. When he uses his superpowers, he squints, and makes the most adorable squinty face ever.

He wants to be a superhero, but he just doesn't have everything straightened out as of yet. He cannot control his powers, something that is constantly upsetting him, and he is not as brave as he would want to be. He chokes up at times, and he often blames himself for any wrongdoings around him that he fails to prevent.

This character is in a constant state of awe at his powers, as he has reciently discovered them. He is hardworking, deticated, and unwilling to act just like everyone else, to become the type of drone that people want him to become. He is definitely an individual, and not afraid to be different. He has short, black hair, which is often in dissarray. He also wears small, squarish glasses.

Just think happy, optimistic, cheerful, yayforlife, type person, and that is basically him.
Last edited by Illuen on 06 Dec 2006 04:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sparrow »

Oooh, this sounds fun! May I add a request? (Love your art, BTW, I remember seeing it back when I used to lurk here). :D It's going to be hard to describe this character without giving him away, but here goes...

This fella is... let's just say humanoid, but he's not quite a human. :D He's the bass player in a 60's/70's style rock-n-roll band. He's incredibly laid-back and groovy, generally taking in stride whatever crazy-ass things are happening onstage (or backstage, for that matter). He just loves to play gigs with the band and generally be cool, though he does have discerning tastes when it comes to the music they play. In terms of appearance, he's very thin and has kind of an oval head, light purple/pink skin and a long orange nose. His most distinguishing features are his long fluffy orange whiskers (no beard!), fluffy white eyebrows, and long ponytail. (Think slightly older hippie). He always wears a pair of cool shades and a green cap, and his signature costume is almost identical to the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper jackets (in red with gold trim). Oh, and he wears high brown boots.

I know this is an unusual description! I hope I didn't give anything away, but some details were just impossible to leave out. I can't wait to see how all these requests turn out! :)
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Post by AngharadTy »

Okie, I've thought of a character, just for the sheer fun of it. ^_^

She's pretty much evil, always looking angry, and was human once, but was infected with something like a parasite. She has black lips and green skin, a lovely rotten color, with accents of a purplish shade in places. I believe her eyes are quite white, with small black pupils. Her hair looks like dreadlocks, but it's really kind of medusa-like, only jointed like spider legs. And she has large bony wings coming out of her back, with no membrane between the struts, except perhaps for little torn drapings. (Oh--they're her weapons; they swing forward to slice opponents.) She basically looks like a diseased, almost demonic woman, with a seemingly boundless capacity for killing and anger. I think she wears a dark skin-tight suit, maybe just a leotard? And tall black boots.

Hopefully it's not too obvious; would of course depend on if you've run across the character before, hehe. I can babble more about her skills and talents, if necessary.
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Post by Jessi »

Feathercircle wrote:Jessi, yours is really good too, though the Burberry thing would have been too much setting information if it had been from somewhere fictional rather than a real-world store
ROFL Actually xD I only said that because I like Burberry :P Anji has absolutely nothing to do with Burberry.

I just want to make enough money someday to buy an umbrella there T___T
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Post by covet »

Feathercircle! You might remember me as Amneris on the original forums, I certainly remember you :)

<b>Name:</b> Would give it away
<b>Age:</b> She appears to be around 15, but is in fact many decades older, though unaging.
<b>Gender:</b> female
<b>Appearance</b> Her skin is paper-pale, the slightest flush appearing when she's blushing or flying into a temper (stubborn and headstrong, this happens a lot). She has blackest black hair and blue eyes, almost a snow white style complexion.

Her age can be easily confused, since she stands somewhat shorter than 5 foot, but the way she holds herself means she can posess a room without having to fill it. She's entirely in proportion to her height, with a slim and quite boyish figure. Only the slightest rounding of chest and hips give her away. It may be for this reason that she prefers to wear shortish, cute dresses rather than pants.

Her hair falls in a rounded bob that curls in to her neck, the ends flicked out underneath. One bang of hair is pulled from the back to create a small bump at the top of her head, then hangs down across her face, trailing to a point just above the line of her lips.

She has large eyes that can be incredibly expressive, though a small, almost pinched nose and mouth. There's nothing of the classic pretty girl about her, but a hard, unusual beauty. She has a heart shaped face.

<b>Accessories</b> Nothing I can think of. You might draw her with some kind of stuffed rabbit.
The Artist Formerly Known As Amneris
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