New neopets layout

Post anything new on Neopets here.
Mistress Morbid
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Post by Mistress Morbid »

I'm still just fucking stunned over this whole thing.

I've been on Neopets for 6 years. Considering I'm 20 right now, that's about a third of my life. I still remember how much fun I used to have with the site. I was completely immersed in this world, my biggest goals were developing my pets and creating elaborate stories and personalities for them.

Everywhere I've gone on the site today has torn apart some piece of me. I don't care if I'm being overly dramatic about a virtual pet site. The time and energy and care I devoted to this place made up most of my life until now. The layouts and coding that I used to love staying up late editing are now demolished. My pets are fucking ruined, I can't even stand to look at them anymore. The new lookups are so disgusting I can't even pretend to ignore the new site and go back to the world I imagined it to be.

Everything is just....gone. All the things that were keeping me tied to Neopets have been utterly wiped out. To be honest I would have been even more upset if this had happened a couple years ago. Recently I haven't felt as attached to neo as I used to be. It did lose the magic at some point in the last year or two, but I still had my pets that kept me connected. Every one of them I poured so much creative energy into. They're each developed characters that I worked so hard on, and although they do live inside my head, it's not the same with the site like this. I can't even portray them nicely anymore on a lookup. Everything's so cartoony and childish it makes me sick. I don't have the energy to go back and try to figure out how to recode everything.

I could almost be in tears right now, in fact I'm on the verge of it as I type this because I'm realizing that a big part of my childhood is leaving me. I can't cope or understand such a drastic and horrible just baffles me. All I know is that this was, like many others have said, the final straw. I was barely clinging onto this site, but I still had hope and I still had my pets. I don't even know what I'll do with them now. It's been mentioned already, but I'll repeat it anyways. The pets are neopets, so I can't even go and make them original characters and adapt them somewhere else. But I can't stand to stay on the site as it is now.

I can hope that maybe they'll trash this whole damn thing, but I'm not kidding myself. All these features probably took forever to plan and I don't think they're going to just ignore all that time spent and throw it away and go back. Neopets is gone for me. I still can't even get my thoughts together on how infuriating this whole thing is. I'm spent. I don't even know what I want to do with my accounts. I used to think I'd never see the day where I'd consider quitting. I assumed that I might lose interest at some point, but a part of me always knew I was too attached to leave it forever. I don't know about that now. This whole thing fucking blows.
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Post by Madge »

Oh God.

What have they done?

I've got no idea what I'm going to do with myself, now. Other than thank the powers that be that I painted Ash a week ago.

I am more or less in agreement with MM - it's like a huge chunk of my life has been ripped out of me. I have been playing neopets for longer than I was in high school. Neopets more or less helped me get through high school. Now it's taken a back seat to my real life, but it's still an escape.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

At least they didn't force Uncky to change... The new new darigan mynci has no hair, which I think is absolutely terrible. What happened to the cute little mischievous looking elf thing that only I loved?

The layout I don't care about. The pets... fuck. Why do them ALL AT ONCE?

Neopets has a completely different look. I hate this.
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Post by hue »

The new layout is finally starting to grow on me, I love how the halloween skin looks, the images at the bottom are amazing, just look for yourself

Why couldn't the redraws be like this? My pets look horrible, I hate the thick outlines and the goofy expressions!
And WTF happened to my lupe? ... ewlupe.gif
This wasn't how he looked before. In fact, I don't think I even remember ever seeing that image on neopets
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Post by Spivsy »

Wow, this is...Crap.

They made my only 2 pets look like vomit.
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Post by AngharadTy »

I've been pondering this (between algebra equations, heh), and I just don't understand it. It's akin to if Blizzard took WoW and reskinned the entire thing. Sure, the game is the same, but it looks entirely different. How would that ever, ever be a good idea? I'm confused and bewildered and glad that Subeta exists. =\
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Post by Bif »


I get to my inventory as I always have - by clicking the number of neopoints I have out of the bank at the time at the top of the page next to my user name - simple.
We would also like to mention that if you aren't happy with the change to any of your Neopets, don't go hunting for a morphing potion just yet! You may find justice early next week. ;)

From the New Features Page.

So STOP STRESSING PEOPLE. We probablly will get an option to turn off and on customisation for all our pets. As for the update - although it's very busy in some place, I like it. It's going to take getting used to, but it's new and fresh - keeps us on our toes. The writting on the wall for this has been there all the time - on the Pet Central Page "We know it's messy, but bare with us, we are fixing it" was the comment - or something of the like.

So let's not freak out, let's just see how it goes.
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Post by rebelheart »

And to top this, they put that "You are not prepared" Meepit up the day before. Like they were already anticipating the mass confusion and hysteria this would cause.

I've set up my refugee shelter at the academy and training school status pages because that's where you can still see your pets how they used to be.

I don't think the justice they speak of in the news might actually be a way to view your pets like they used to be, possibly just a new version of whack a staff member. I hate how they say play whack a staff member everytime they screw up majorly and think that'll make it all right again.
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Post by clsimmons1985 »

Does anyone know if when you choose to convert your neopets to their old state, they then show up on both the userlookup and pet lookup as the old design?
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Post by immortal_janemba »

All this for a very limited clothing system? I don't even think they're doing anything with the old clothes still anyway... I got off pretty lucky I guess.. On my main account my Mutant Bruce looks alright, Striped Grundo is fine and Cloud Kacheek doesn't look too bad... But my main pet my Tyrannian Quiggle.. Luckily you get the option of converting with him, I'll never convert him the new one looks so fucked up it's just like a regular looking Quiggle it disgusts me.

My side account (only one) wasn't so lucky. But still alright. My red and yellow Cybunnies are okay of course. Heck even my Koi looks fine I guess... but my Main pet on my side... my Cloud Jetsam.. he's ruined.. I'd wanted a Jetsam since I started 65 months ago.. can't remember the exact date seeing my lookup now covers that text -_- But then I went off for a few years.. but came back a couple of years ago... I worked hard to get him.. seeing I'm not normally a very dedicated person. He was so cool.... Look at his coolness...


Now he has been butchered... into this piece of trash... ... hiconstras

I'll keep an eye on Neopets still... as it is what I've mostly been doing recently anyway.. and I could get used to the layout I think it's alright.. But everything.. bleh...
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Post by rebelheart »

If you have a neopet that is available for old and new style it currently shows in the old style and if you convert it it'll go new style. So you cannot choose to convert to old style, conversion makes your currently old style pet a new style pet.

EDIT: I think the Kois got it worst actually, and especially my robot koi. Haven't seen a grey or baby one yet.
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Post by Silver Link »

Yeah, the only one that had that conversion option was my Darigan Hissi and the new style looks like shit so I opted to keep him the way he was
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Post by Kuschelfloh »

OMG o__O; they completely RUINED my ROYAL GIRL DRAIK!!! o__O;

At least I can chose not to convert her and I won't do that. I made my other draik active which doesn't look to bad in the new version. But OMG... o__O;

I haven't been on neo in months and I come back to that... lol

I think this is the downfall of Neo. For real now... o__O;
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Post by phoebemittens »

My pets all have black backgrounds now... anyone else's? ... ebemittens

After sleeping on it, I can get used to the new layout. With a little revision, I may come up with new pet goals, and species/colours to morph my poor uglified pets into. But I think it was a shitty thing to do to their users - even in those cases where the pet art is an improvement, those still aren't the pets their owners chose. Frankly it's a bit like stealing.
Last edited by phoebemittens on 27 Apr 2007 10:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by clsimmons1985 »

Yes mine have black blackgrounds too - and my baby pets are tiny!
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

Rainbow Daydreamer wrote: TNT does things for a REASON, and I find it hard to believe they won't listen to a huge amount of us wanting an uncustomise button. But in the meantime, what's to stop us dreaming? And fighting with our dreams as weapons?
I love you sometimes. I'm glad you're being positive.

If TNT doesn't have an option to use the old layout, they are going to be in some serious trouble. Loads of old users are going to quit because of how much it fucks around with the site, and new users will most likely find it confusing and not want to join. They'll be stuck with the pre-teens who are all 'Yay! Dress ups!' but will most likely quit when it costs a fortune to buy clothes, as I daresay it will what with the fabulous Neopian economy.

I'm really pissed there will no longer be any redraws. I looked up all of my dream pets and they are nothing more than colourfills with maybe some wings pasted on.

I mean, do they even care what we want anymore? They say they got input from users, but which users? Certainly very few vocal ones, that's for sure. Who did they ask? Six year olds who will most likely quit once they realise it takes time to reach goals? Goals that don't even seem to be worth the effort anymore?

There better be an option to do something about this, otherwise I'm going to have to find something else ot eat up my time. New videogames maybe.

What makes me really sad is that I don't WANT to quit, but what I want even less is to deal with a site that gives me a headache just to use.
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